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Ultima Markets【 Market Hotspot 】 Nvidia's quarterly report is strong this season, but it is expected to rise after hours...

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Ultima Markets【 Market Hotspot 】 Nvidia's quarterly report is strong this season, but it is expected to rise after hours...335 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727716

NVIDIA(NVDA.US)The fourth quarter financial report exceeded expectations, with both revenue and profit stunning Wall Street. This semiconductorAIThe leading company announced adjusted earnings per share as5.16USD, higher than expected4.60USD. Revenue reached221.0Billion US dollars, exceeding the estimated204.1USD100mn Data center revenue has arrived184Billion US dollars, leading expectations172.1USD100mn

The founder and CEO of the company, Huang Renxun, emphasized that the critical moment of accelerating computing and generating artificial intelligence has arrived. He said, "We are witnessing a surge in demand from global enterprises, industries, and countries."

Throughout the fiscal year, the total revenue reached609Billion US dollars, annual increase126%The adjusted earnings per share are12.96USD, annual increase288%。

Financial report focus:

2025Estimated first quarter of fiscal year vs LSEG Valuation
1.Revenue:240 USD100mn(±2%) vs 221.7 USD100mn
2.(Non GAAP) gross profit margin:77%(±)50Basis points

2024Q4 of fiscal year (as of1month28Daily financial data
2.(Non GAAP) Net profit:128.4USD100mn
3.Earnings per share (non GAAP):5.16dollar
4.(Non GAAP) gross profit margin:76.7%

Departmental performance
Data Center:184 USD100mn409% YoY
Pen and PC Graphics card games:29 USD100mn56% YoY
Professional Visualization:4.63 USD100mn105% YoY
Automotive business:2.81 USD100mn-4% YoY

Ultima Markets【 Market Hotspot 】 Nvidia's quarterly report is strong this season, but it is expected to rise after hours...223 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727716
(Nvidia stock price performance annual chart)

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