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CPT MarketsThe tense situation in the Middle East and the decline in oil storage have caused oil prices to rise for three consecutive days! ...

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CPT MarketsThe tense situation in the Middle East and the decline in oil storage have caused oil prices to rise for three consecutive days! ...503 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727658

Brentcrude oil (Brent Oil):

CPT MarketsThe tense situation in the Middle East and the decline in oil storage have caused oil prices to rise for three consecutive days! ...825 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727658

在利多数据方面,周三美国能源信息署EIA表示,美国汽油库存上周减少31010000 barrels to2.51亿桶,分析师预期为增加14Ten thousand barrels. Reduced inventory of refined oil32010000 barrels to1.276Billion barrels, expected to decrease100Ten thousand barrels. 对此,瑞穗银行能源futuresexecutive directorBob Yawger表示,这是寒流导致生产中断后预期会看到的那种报告,炼厂并不急于恢复生产。 炼厂产能利用率下降0.5%to82.4%。 EIA数据显示在美国墨西哥湾沿岸,深度冰冻导致15%的炼油产能关闭,产能利用率降至2021year9The lowest level since the beginning of the month.

而在中东局势演变方面,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡表示,在加沙取得全面胜利指日可待,他拒绝了哈马斯提出的暂时停火以确保仍被关押在加沙的人质释放的最新提议。 哈马斯高级官员Sami Abu Zuhri表示,哈马斯拒绝接受加沙停火最新提议的言论表明,他打算在中东寻求冲突。 交易商还在追踪伊朗支持的胡塞叛军对红海航运的袭击,这些袭击扰乱了苏伊士运河的交通,苏伊士运河是亚洲和欧洲之间最快的海上航线,承载着全球近12%的贸易。

另一方面,美联储官员继续鹰派,其中大多数人被视为准备降息,但采取了依赖数据的立场。 克利夫兰联储主席 梅斯特 认为美联储并不急于降息,而且其复杂性提供了何时开始宽松周期的时机。 波士顿联储主席 Collins 表示,如果经济符合她的预期,美联储可能会在今年晚些时候的某个时候降低利率,从而可能为原油期货提供支持。 For this,MatadoreconomistTimothy Snyder表示,美联储发出的混合信号使市场陷入混乱。 他们现在等待放松政策的时间太长,这给市场带来了额外的风险因素。 随着降息预期下降,美元走软,助推了以美元计价的油价上涨。

Press from above(Upper resistance) 79.20,79.60; From the downward direction, the lower support78.90。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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