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Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The Federal Reserve of Australia is in a predicament, and the Canadian dollar is in a wave...

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Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The Federal Reserve of Australia is in a predicament, and the Canadian dollar is in a wave...99 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727635
Last week's review
美联储作为上周的主角,市场趋势紧盯其动向。周四利率决议如预期未更改政策利率,但是鲍威尔再次淡化3月份降息预期,强调3月降息不是基本情况。1月非农数据更是远超预期,就业人口增加35.3Ten thousand people, for2023year1月以来最大增幅。美国互换市场显示对美联储3月降息的押注下降,并且不再完全定价美联储于5月份降息。美元指数一度向上触及104,续刷去年12月以来新高,收涨0.87%。

Market outlook
本周澳联储将公布最新利率决议,政策利率大概率不会变动,市场关注其如何阐述未来的利率路径。crude oil市场方面,由于卡塔尔此前释放加沙将停火谈判的信号,支撑油价上涨的动力可能消退,关注EIA月度能源展望报告就供给相关的预期。临近中国春节假期,各亚洲地区流动性或将减弱,警惕相关品种流动性风险。

Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The Federal Reserve of Australia is in a predicament, and the Canadian dollar is in a wave...932 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727635


Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Outlook: The Federal Reserve of Australia is in a predicament, and the Canadian dollar is in a wave...40 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727635


Canada1Monthly Employment Number

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