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CPT Markets: USA12Surprisingly strong monthly terrorist data boosted the US dollar! UK inflation...

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CPT Markets: USA12Surprisingly strong monthly terrorist data boosted the US dollar! UK inflation...571 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727507
Today's Focus

today(01month18day)亚市开盘英欧美货币上涨,其他货币普遍下跌;金价下跌但crude oilShowing an upward trend.foreign exchangeAspect: The US dollar index has risen to103.37; EUR/USD up to1.0884; The pound rose against the US dollar to1.2675; The US dollar rose against the Japanese yen to148.11; The US dollar rose against the Canadian dollar to1.3503; The Australian dollar fell against the US dollar to0.6550。 In terms of precious metals:goldFalling to USD2008.94。 In terms of crude oil: Brent crude oil rose to77.76。

USD Index (DXY):

CPT Markets: USA12Surprisingly strong monthly terrorist data boosted the US dollar! UK inflation...888 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727507

After a slight increase in the US dollar index on Wednesday, it opened today with a rise of103.37附近,由于美联储理事 Waller 的鹰派评论对央行在 3 月会议上降息表示怀疑,伴随美国零售数据强劲,美元再度获得上行空间。

美联储褐皮书显示,利率下降的前景是乐观情绪的一个来源。美联储褐皮书称,12个地区联储的大多数报告称,自上次褐皮书发布以来,经济活动几乎没有变化。大多数地区的消费者在假日期间增加支出,其中三个地区的消费超出了预期。几个地区提到休闲旅游的增长。几乎所有地区都报告了制造业活动的下降。各地区继续指出,高利率限制了汽车销售和房地产交易。然而,各地区的许多联系人认为利率下降的前景是乐观情绪的一个来源。总体而言,大多数地区表示,其企业对未来增长的预期是积极的或有所改善,或者两者兼而有之。与此同时,支持美联储三月降息的押注进一步下降。根据 CME Fedwatch 工具,交易者预计 3 Monthly interest rate reduction 25 Basis points (bps) The possibility is 58%,低于本周初的 70%。预计美联储政策制定者支持限制性货币政策立场的时间将比市场参与者预期的更长。

In terms of yesterday's financial event data, the US Department of Commerce announced12月零售销售年月率比预期上升至5.59%and0.6% (newspaper7098.9USD100mn)The core monthly rate has increased year-on-year to0.4% (newspaper5733.83USD100mn),反映出市场对零售商品需求增长。此外,美联储公布12月工业产出月率比预期上升至0.1%,显示出工业活动受市场需求而提振。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 103.30,103.70; From the downward direction, the lower support102.90。

euro/pound (EURGBP):

CPT Markets: USA12Surprisingly strong monthly terrorist data boosted the US dollar! UK inflation...759 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727507

The euro rose against the pound on Wednesday and fell back behind, dropping to0.8587附近,由于此前在有关波兰的报道及英国失业率意外上升后,欧元和英镑上行空间受限。

欧洲央行理事会成员 瓦斯勒 表示,预计在第二季初首次降息绝对为时过早。通胀必须回到2%的目标才能改变我们正维持的政策路径。由于通胀波动很大,所以我们对预期非常谨慎。劳动市场仍然非常强劲,欧洲央行需要谨慎对待过去对薪资通胀的看法,显然欧洲央行需要看到财政政策支持降低通胀。此外,英国经济 12 月的消费者物价通胀仍然出乎意料地顽固,欧元/英镑货币对遭到了强烈抛售。该货币对已跌至 0.8570 附近,目前正努力站稳脚跟,因它为英国央行决策者坚持限制性利率立场提供了强有力的论点。

Yesterday's financial event data was released by the UK Office for National Statistics12monthCPIThe monthly rate has increased to4%and0.4%The core monthly rate has increased to5.1%and0.6%, of which12月零售物价指数年月率比预期上升至5.2%and0.5%The core monthly rate has increased year-on-year to4%and0.4%,反映出该国整体通胀压力有所升温。燃料价格上涨、季节性机票价格上调以及服务业通膨略有上升,都推动了物价上涨。通胀数据疲软加深了市场对物价压力持续存在的担忧,这使得英国央行在 2 月的会议上连续第四次将利率维持在 5.25% 不变。相对欧元区通胀数据方面,欧盟统计局Eurostatpublish12月欧元区调和CPIThe monthly rate is maintained at2.9%and0.2%,核心调和年月率也固定在3.9%and0.3%。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 0.8580,0.8620; From the downward direction, the lower support0.8530。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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