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CPT Markets: US Q3GDPThe decline has caused the US dollar to fall to a new low in nearly five months! Britain...

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CPT Markets: US Q3GDPThe decline has caused the US dollar to fall to a new low in nearly five months! Britain...27 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727246
Today's Focus
today(12month22day)亚市开盘美元下跌,其他货币普遍上涨;金价和crude oil皆呈上涨走势。foreign exchangeAspect: The US dollar index fell to108.25; EUR/USD up to1.1006; The pound rose against the US dollar to1.2687; The US dollar fell against the Japanese yen to142.12; The US dollar fell to1.3280; The Australian dollar rose against the US dollar to0.6796。 In terms of precious metals:goldRising to USD2048.34。 In terms of crude oil: Brent crude oil rose to79.19。

USD Index (DXY):

CPT Markets: US Q3GDPThe decline has caused the US dollar to fall to a new low in nearly five months! Britain...997 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727246

The dollar index fell to101.78附近,由于美国三季度GDP数据弱于预期,进而导致美元下行震荡疲软。

美国第三季度经济增长不如预期强劲,推动债券上涨、令国债收益率走低。分析师指出,疲软的经济增长和通胀意味着美联储可能会在不久后降息。美国2Period and10年期国债收益率双双下跌。虽然第三季度的GDP数据现在已经是旧闻了,但由于核心通胀年化季率数据从2.3%Down to2%,该数据还是偏向于鸽派。GDP数据也可能给明天的PCE通胀数据带来一定的下行风险,这取决于月度细分的结果如何。同时,申请失业金人数再次低于预期,初请人数基本稳定在20.510000 people.

昨日财经事件数据方面,美国商务部公布第三季度GDP年化季率比预期下跌至4.9%And the corePCEThe price index is lower than expected until2%,反映出整体生产总额成长下滑。此外,美国费城联储公布12The monthly manufacturing index fell below expectations-10.5,指数低于零表示该地区制造业活动萎缩。在失业金申请数据方面,美国劳工部公布截至12month16The number of people applying for and renewing unemployment benefits for the current week has decreased compared to expectations20.5Wanhe186.5万,显示出劳动力就业人口有所改善。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 101.70,102.10; From the downward direction, the lower support101.30。

euro/GBP (EURGBP):

CPT Markets: US Q3GDPThe decline has caused the US dollar to fall to a new low in nearly five months! Britain...76 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727246

After a significant rise in the euro against the pound on Thursday, it rose to0.8677附近,周四欧洲交易时段,欧元维持温和买盘基调,欧元兑英镑逼近0.8685阻力位区域。周三公布的英国通膨数据疲软,阻碍了英镑的有效反弹。

britain 11 月消费者物价指数的降幅远低于预期, CPI 年率两年来首次跌破 4% 的门槛。这些数据使英国央行的鹰派言论受到质疑,增加了英央行可能最快于 5 月开始降息的希望,从而推动英镑全盘走低。然而,欧元也面临自己的障碍。低迷的宏观经济数据显示经济成长疲软,通膨率下降,助长了市场对明年年初降息的押注。在这种情况下,欧洲央行副总裁 德金多斯 在今天稍早接受采访时发表的鹰派言论对该货币对的影响微乎其微。

Regarding yesterday's financial event data, the UK Federation of IndustriesCBIpublish12月零售销售比预期下跌至-32,而销售预期更大幅下跌至-41,零售销售差值低于零,表明消费支出减少,不利经济增长。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 0.8670,0.8710; From the downward direction, the lower support0.8630。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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