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Ultima MarketsMarket Hot Spots: Copper bulls can't help but show off this week...

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Ultima MarketsMarket Hot Spots: Copper bulls can't help but show off this week...408 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725249

Ultima MarketsMarket Hot Spots: Copper bulls can't help but show off this week...623 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725249
(伦铜周线图,来源Ultima Markets MT4)


Ultima MarketsMarket Hot Spots: Copper bulls can't help but show off this week...942 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725249



Ultima MarketsMarket Hot Spots: Copper bulls can't help but show off this week...871 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725249
(伦铜日线图,来源Ultima Markets MT4)

根据伦铜(Ultima Markets MT4上代码为COPPER-C)日线图来看,行情的金叉已经形成,本周的短期多头趋势是大概率事件。65日周期均线是铜价的第一目标位,若价格被突破则行情将受空头止损离场的因素,导致行情快速上行。


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