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Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Prospects: Whether the Canadian dollar can stop its decline depends on consumers,...

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Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Prospects: Whether the Canadian dollar can stop its decline depends on consumers,...773 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725204

Last week's market review
New Zealand Federal Reserve8Monthly decision to maintain interest rates at5.50%Unchanged, it is the second consecutive pause in interest rate hikes, and the New York Fed's forecast shows a very low probability of another rate hike. On the contrary, the latest policy meeting minutes of the Federal Reserve show that there is still more possibility of interest rate hikes, so the US dollar continued to maintain its upward momentum last week.

In terms of inflation data, Canada still maintains0.6%The monthly rate increase in UK prices is from2Since the beginning of the month, it has fallen again. Last week as a whole, it was still "the dollar rose and everything fell". The dollar closed positive for the fifth consecutive week, while US stocks and treasury bond bondsgoldThe overall trend is weak.

Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Prospects: Whether the Canadian dollar can stop its decline depends on consumers,...21 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725204

Market outlook
The key events and data of this week have a profound impact on global financial markets. This week'sPMIData, retail sales data, and the annual meeting of global central banks will jointly shape market sentiment and expectations. Investors will closely monitor the development of these events to better understand the direction of global economic recovery and the direction of central bank policies.

This week, major economies including the UK, France, and the US will announce their latest updates one after another8Of the monthPMIInitial value data. Against the backdrop of slowing inflation and tightening monetary policies in various countries, the relationship between the service and manufacturing industriesPMIIndicators will help the market judge the current economic recovery situation of various countries.

Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Prospects: Whether the Canadian dollar can stop its decline depends on consumers,...808 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725204

6Monthly retail sales data
Canada to announce on Wednesday6Retail sales data for the month. It is worth noting that5The monthly retail sales rate is0.2%, lower than market expectations0.5%。4Significant increase in monthly sales1.1%The strong momentum seems to be losing momentum at the end of the second quarter. If it falters again, it will further weaken the Canadian dollar exchange rate.

Global Central Bank Annual Meeting
The annual global central bank feast, the Jackson Hall meeting, will be held on Thursday with the theme of changes in the world economy. On Friday, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell will deliver a speech at the annual meeting of global central banks. On Friday, ECB President Lagarde will deliver a speech. In this week with light data, the market is bound to focus on the speeches of central bank governors, especially regarding the future monetary policy path.

Ultima MarketsMarket Review and Prospects: Whether the Canadian dollar can stop its decline depends on consumers,...888 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1725204

The comments, news, research, analysis, pricing, and other information contained in this article can only be considered as general market information and are provided solely to assist readers in understanding the market situation and do not constitute investment advice.UltimaMarketsReasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, but the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed and can be changed at any time without notice.UltimaMarketsWe will not be responsible for any losses or losses (including but not limited to any loss of profits) that may arise from the direct or indirect use or reliance on such information.

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