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Ultima MarketsMarket Analysis: Buying Expectations and Selling Facts Oil prices fall instead of rising...

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Ultima MarketsMarket Analysis: Buying Expectations and Selling Facts   Oil prices fall instead of rising...938 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1724552
Today's Focus on Varieties--crude oil




Technically,原油日线周期上,行情昨日快速下跌接近13Near the daily moving average.

Ultima MarketsMarket Analysis: Buying Expectations and Selling Facts   Oil prices fall instead of rising...996 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1724552
(布伦特原油日线周期,来源Ultima Markets MT4)

crude oil13日均线是前期潜在的移动支撑阻力位置。油价在经历24个交易日的上涨后,随机震荡指标走出顶背离结构。昨日的下跌K线也让技术指标呈现死叉的潜在空头趋势。

Ultima MarketsMarket Analysis: Buying Expectations and Selling Facts   Oil prices fall instead of rising...832 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1724552
Brent crude oil4Hourly cycle, sourceUltima Markets MT4)


Ultima MarketsMarket Analysis: Buying Expectations and Selling Facts   Oil prices fall instead of rising...933 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1724552
Brent crude oil1Hourly cycle chart, sourceUltima Markets MT4)

according toUltima Markets MT4InpivotIndicator, daily central price level84.276,
84.276Upward bullish, first goal85.592Second objective87.525
84.276Under bearish, first target82.336Second objective81.021

The comments, news, research, analysis, pricing, and other information contained in this article can only be considered as general market information and are provided solely to assist readers in understanding the market situation and do not constitute investment advice.UltimaMarketsReasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, but the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed and can be changed at any time without notice.UltimaMarketsWe will not be responsible for any losses or losses (including but not limited to any loss of profits) that may arise from the direct or indirect use or reliance on such information.

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