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CPT Markets:APIOil depot inventory decline andOPEC+We will do our best to support the oil market! Follow Beauty in the Day...

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Brentcrude oil (Brent Oil):
CPT Markets:APIOil depot inventory decline andOPEC+We will do our best to support the oil market! Follow Beauty in the Day...756 / author:CPT / PostsID:1723270

Brent crude oil rose sharply after closing high on Wednesday and rose to76.56附近,假期过后对沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯周一宣布削减供应的回应,早间API数据显示上周美国原油库存骤降,市场参与者正在等待美国独立日假期期间的需求数据。

In terms of Lido data, the American Petroleum InstituteAPI数据表示,上周美国原油库存下降,截至6month30Daily and weekly crude oil inventory decrease438.2万桶。此外,沙特能源大臣 阿卜杜勒阿齐兹亲王 Represent asOPEC+产油国联盟的一部分,俄罗斯和沙特继续推进强力合作,OPEC+将采取一切必要措施支持市场。阿联酋能源部长 马兹鲁伊 表示,进一步减产应该足以帮助平衡油市。石油输出国组织OPEC部长在维也纳举行的第八届OPEC研讨会期间举行会议,他们评估了市场状况,并同意继续与非OPEC产油国的同行进行磋商,继续努力支持稳定和平衡的石油市场。

而在利空数据方面,周三摩根士丹利下调油价预估,预计明年上半年市场将出现过剩,明年石油输出国组织OPEC以外国家的供应增长速度将超过需求。摩根士丹利将今年第三季布伦特油价预估从每桶77.50The US dollar has dropped to75美元,并将第四季预估从75The US dollar has dropped to70美元。根据CMEFederal Reserve observations indicate that the Federal Reserve7Monthly interest rate maintained at5.00%-5.25%The constant probability is10.1%Interest rate hike25Bps to5.25%-5.50%The probability of the interval is89.9%; reach9The probability of maintaining interest rates unchanged on a monthly basis is8.1%Accumulated interest rate increase25The probability of a basis point is73.9%Accumulated interest rate increase50The probability of a basis point is18.0%. In addition, all three major US stock markets have narrowed, including the S&P Index's closing decline0.21%The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed lower0.37%And the Nasdaq Index closed lower0.18%。


Press from above(Upper resistance) 76.50,76.90; From the downward direction, the lower support76.10。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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