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Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: Crude oil is under pressure again Double resistance suppression multiple head

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Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: Crude oil is under pressure again  Double resistance suppression multiple head870 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1723194

Today's Focus on Varieties--crude oil

Fundamentally,沙特本月开始减产10010000 barrels/日,减产将持续到8月,并可能进一步延长。随后,俄罗斯副总理诺瓦克发表评论称,沙特的减产努力将得到俄罗斯的帮助,俄罗斯将在8Monthly decrease per day50万桶石油出口。



Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: Crude oil is under pressure again  Double resistance suppression multiple head208 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1723194
Crude oil daily cycle chart, sourceUltima Markets MT4)


Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: Crude oil is under pressure again  Double resistance suppression multiple head355 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1723194
(Crude oil)1Hourly cycle chart, sourceUltima Markets MT4)

1Hourly cycle5周期均线仍然徘徊于65周期均线上方,5周期若无法有效跌破65周期均线,则行情仍需震荡一段时间。

Ultima MarketsMarket analysis: Crude oil is under pressure again  Double resistance suppression multiple head35 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1723194

according toUltima Markets MT4InpivotIndicator, daily central price level75.32,
75.32Upward bullish, first goal76.10Second objective77.32
75.32Under bearish, first target74.06Second objective73.29

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