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CPT Markets:APISudden drop in oil storage and World Bank's increase in global growth forecast boost...

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Brentcrude oil (Brent Oil):
CPT Markets:APISudden drop in oil storage and World Bank's increase in global growth forecast boost...620 / author:CPT / PostsID:1721475

布伦特原油周二盘中回落后上升,今日开盘涨至76.33Nearby, due toAPIThe unexpected sudden drop in oil storage has boosted oil prices.

In terms of Lido data, the American Petroleum InstituteAPI的数据表示上周美国原油库存减少,在截至6month2Reduction in crude oil inventory within one week of the day171万桶。此外,美国三大股市全数收涨,包含标普指数收盘上涨0.21%The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed higher0.03%And the Nasdaq Index closed higher0.36%。另一方面,世界银行上调2023年全球经济增长预估,因美国和其他主要经济体比预期更具韧性。但该行表示,明年较高利率对经济的拖累将大于预期。世界银行在最新《全球经济展望》报告中表示,今年全球实际GDP料将增长2.1%。这高于1月份发布的1.7%的预测,但远低于2022year3.1%的增长率。

In terms of bearish data, the US Energy Information AdministrationEIA预计今年美国原油产量将从2022Of119010000 barrels/日上升到126010000 barrels/Day,2024年料达到1,28010000 barrels/Day,2019年曾创下123010000 barrels/日的纪录高位。此外,花旗研究认为沙特减产不太可能将油价推高至80美元区间的高端/90美元区间的低端:疲弱的基本面预示油价将在年底前下跌;相对认为今年的季度平均油价将基本呈区间波动,布伦特原油的上半年和下半年均价料为81美元,但有可能在72USD to90Fluctuations between US dollars.


Press from above(Upper resistance) 76.30,76.80; From the downward direction, the lower support75.90。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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