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Guide Metallographer:6.6今日黄金走势分析,美指冲高回落,黄金超...

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  goldMessage interpretation:

Monday(6month5day)Eurozone4monthPPIMonthly rate recorded-3.2%,为纪录最大降幅,欧洲央行行长拉加德表示,潜在通胀压力仍然高企。美国5monthMarkitService industryPMIThe final value is54.9, lower than expected55.1;4月工厂订单表现同样不太乐观,4Monthly factory order rate0.4%, expected0.80%, Previous value0.90%。 U.S.A5monthISM非制造业指数降至50.3, creating2023年新低,商业活动和订单下滑,物价支付指标创三年新低。上周五的非农数据一定程度上提振了市场信心,对美元指数起到支撑作用。但昨日晚间美国公布的重要生产数据工业订单率和非制造业PMI均不及预期,市场对美国衰退预期加重,对美联储进一步加息的信心减弱,美元指数走势呈现先升后降,一度失守104关口,现报103.99。美债收益率在数据公布后同样转跌,两年期美债收益率一度下降9Bps to4.41%, received at4.47%。美指和美债收益率双双下行令黄金得到提振,数据公布后黄金持续拉升,较日内低点1938附近涨近26USD.

  美国服务业增速放缓,海外市场预计美联储6月大概率暂停加息。根据CME FedWatch工具显示,美联储6月暂停加息几率为76.5%Interest rate hike25bp几率为23.5%。目前美联储官员正处于6month13-14日会议前的静默期。6month13The United States announced on the day5monthCPI数据,将是下一个重要的美国经济数据,该数据或对美联储加息路径起到指引作用。在5monthCPIData and6月议息来临之前,市场或将继续维持震荡格局。

Today's Gold Data:

  12:30Federal Reserve of Australia Announces Interest Rate Decision

  17:00eurozone4Monthly retail sales rate

  22:00U.S.A5New York Fed Global Supply Chain Pressure Index

Technical analysis of gold:

Gold fell yesterday and rebounded to close higher, with the daily line closing at a bullish center. At the beginning of the trading session, it continued the weak downward trend of last Friday and touched1938The front line is stable, but it cannot be broken1932The low point further opened up space, as the decline of the US dollar boosted the short-term rebound of gold. Closing at the end of the day1960Nearby. Combined with the track on the interval1985Lower rail1932.The closing price fluctuated at a neutral position, with a certain distance from the upper and lower tracks of the range. This week, we will continue to focus on breakthroughs within the range. At the beginning of the week, a range will be formed, and it will contract within the range repeatedly.

  4When the hour fell, it rebounded with a single positive pull and fell into oscillation near the middle track, with local contraction, and the strength cannot be seen to continue for the time being. If you don't break through the range in the short term, you will maintain a sawtooth wash within the range, and short-term operations will be treated with a fluctuating checkpoint mentality. The point is at the front and the trend is at the back. The hourly chart's continuous positive rebound weakened the downward momentum. The short term enters oscillation again. It is currently unknown whether the oscillation of the neutral value will first rebound upwards or fall downwards. It is necessary to flexibly respond to the volatile market situation in combination with the intraday pattern, which further tests the grasp of entry points. The operation shall be based on the on-site situation.

Reference idea one: Gold rebounded to1960-1962Continue to short and stop loss1967, Objective1952-1940-1930Nearby;

Reference idea 2: Strong rebound in the evening1983-1985Short selling, stop loss1990, Objective1975-1960-1952Nearby;

Reference idea three: Strong decline on Tuesday1939-1937Keep going long, stop loss1932, Objective1948-1956nearby






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