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Chen Jianhao;5.10Gold Foreign ExchangeTDLatest trend news and strategies of the US market

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There is no need to say anything after the introduction, only the current price list allows you to verify your strength, which is more important than more gorgeous language - Chen Jianhao's guidance on micro;wy39749

Friends who need to join the real-time analysis group can add the author on WeChat to join the group, and adding the author can enjoy it for free3-5Current price list!!!

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]  周初博文是公开2029干空,基本是日内最高点,下跌未能破底小幅收高,在周二更是走出连续破高之势说明短线的调整已经结束。价格在今日有望上涨,但我们的交易思路依旧是以震荡为主。日线级别价格依托十日均线上行k线呈多头孕线排列,多头要加速的节奏,至此2061的前期顶点市场有望给到挑战机会,日内关注2052Dry air!

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]Short term price trading2036一线,上方干空点关注非农日高点2052,价格形成大幅度下跌之后二次回抽就是市场给到反复机会。今日多空分水岭关注周初公开2029干空点,价格如果提前跌破且完全收低之下,多头回升便会打破而且金价会走出加速探底行情,日内空头最大下限关注2000!

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]  #Intraday strategy:2051-52Empty, stop loss2059, Objective2031-2000!

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]  crude oil先空后多,73.5Direct Empty

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]  多头没有经过时间反复巩固整理,就难以走远,更多的只是昙花一线,但价格当下的确是处于低位后市看涨,低位出长针之后短期多头能量已经释放完成,当下已经靠近前期支撑阻力转换处,日内交易先以回落为主!73.5Can be directly empty!

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]Short term price trading73.5一线,该位置是本周前面两个交易日的高点,目前就能直接空。今日多空分水岭在周二早盘高点73.1附近,价格如果按照预期顺利下跌且完全收低之下,油价空头会走出明显的加速下探行情,当日空头最大下限看70.5一线!后续的思路以先跌后升为主!

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]  #Intraday strategy:73.5Empty, stop loss74.3, Objective 70.2!.

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]  【思路仅供参考,行情瞬息万变,切勿盲目跟风】

The most terrifying thing in the market is not the lack of market conditions, not the lack of opportunities, but the confusion and disorderly placing of orders. A person who doesn't know where to go is facing in the opposite direction, and the wind blowing in any direction will be against the wind!People who also do not understand trading, no matter how long they short, once the market fluctuates, it is a disaster free! There is no fancy language here, only tangible trading and clear and straightforward operations. The market has only one direction, not long or short, but the right direction. Reasonable risk control+Good investment returns allow every individual investor to find the true joy of investing, instead of constantly increasing losses due to their daily hard trading. I have always believed that choice is more important than effort. A good mentor and technical team should not only bring profits to customers, but also be responsible for them. Individual investors, relying solely on their own efforts to face the market, are prone to being caught off guard when faced with sudden rises and falls. However, if someone can see the situation clearly and provide direction outside the circle, they can do better. If your order is not smooth or your investment often shrinks, you can talk to me and I will do my best to teach you how to fish. (Real offer experience group, free experience)3-5Current price list).

Chen Jianhao;5.10Gold Foreign ExchangeTDLatest trend news and strategies of the US market344 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720925  2Chen Jianhao;5.10Gold Foreign ExchangeTDLatest trend news and strategies of the US market870 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720925Chen Jianhao;5.10Gold Foreign ExchangeTDLatest trend news and strategies of the US market16 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720925

Non personal real offer customers, providing general direction and expectations, will update trend analysis and operational ideas on their social media every day. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, and those who need to see suggestions can follow (Chen Jianhao) to see them on their own without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the real offer operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time, as time is precious, It's not for waste.

Teacher Chen Jianhao, we don't have any here100%Correct, only with a robust operational approach. Big warehouses focus on trends, small warehouses focus on bands, and control their own proportions. There are no unprofitable investments, only unsuccessful orders! Whether to make money depends on the timing of buying up and buying down. Making money depends on opportunities, investing on wisdom, and managing finances on professionalism.

Wen/Chen Jianhao (WeChat:wy39749)

How far a person can go depends on who they are walking with;How excellent a person is depends on what kind of friends they have around them;How big can a person be  Achievement depends on whose guidance he has. Who says women are not as good as men! If you sincerely believe me, I will take my life to treat you! I am the low-key and powerful Chen Jianhao! Buddha said that there is a law in the heart, and all laws are natural. In Buddhism, all things can be crossed, and all things cannot be crossed. What is crossed is only the layers of shackles in the heart, and I only cross those who are destined!

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