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Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...

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There is no need to say anything after the introduction, only the current price list allows you to verify your strength, which is more important than more gorgeous language - Chen Jianhao's guidance on micro;wy39749

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  goldLatest market trend analysis:

Analysis of Gold News: Tuesday(5month2day)美盘时段金价强势拉升暴涨,较日内低点上涨逾30美元,目前成功站稳2000关口上方,交投于2012dollar/盎司附近。美国劳工部周二公布的3月职位空缺和劳动力流动调查(JOLTS)显示,空缺职位数量连续第三个月下降,从一个月前的近1000万个降至959万个,为近两年来的最低水平,大幅不及预期的977.5万个。数据公布后,现货黄金盘中一度上破2010关口,创一周新高,目前有所回落;在这一数据公布后,美联储利率掉期显示,市场对美联储利率峰值的押注出现更大幅度的下跌。不过,就5月议息会议而言,芝商所的“美联储观察”工具显示,美联储加息25个基点的可能性仍超80%。周五,美国劳工部将公布4月非农就业报告,目前市场预计4月非农就业岗位将增加18万个,失业率将略微上升至3.6%,平均时薪将以与上月相似的速度增长。

The Federal Reserve will5month3日召开政策会议,外界普遍预计将继续加息25个基点。不过,由于借贷成本上升和信贷收紧增加了今年经济衰退的风险,经济活动仍然低迷。美联储主席鲍威尔很可能对利率前景发表中性指引。尽管美联储采取了旨在通过减缓经济来抑制高通胀的举措,但就业市场仍保持了一定的韧性,价格上涨显示出持久力。公司继续以稳健的速度招聘,工资在年初继续快速攀升。虽然通胀一直在放缓,但它越来越受到服务价格上涨的推动,而服务价格上涨几乎没有降温的迹象——这可能使价格上涨难以完全回到美联储的2%目标。货币市场目前预计,欧洲央行将在10月之前再加息70个基点,然后最早可能在明年年初降息。但国际货币基金组织上周对该预期提出质疑,并呼吁欧洲央行在2024年年中之前继续加息。自3month10日硅谷银行倒闭以来,银行系统一直处于动荡之中,并对宏观经济前景构成严重负面影响,进而提振了金价。




  黄金从一小时周期图的形态上看,金价近期呈现震荡走势,昨日再度自1977附近企稳后快速冲击2000关口,随后失败下行,目前黄金仍未有有效动能打破区间整理,此时带好止损做高抛低吸为最佳思路。从15minuteMACD来看,指标有底背离信号,短线可尝试在区间下部尝试多单,重点关注2000-2005一带黄金重要支撑区间,以及2032一线黄金重要阻力。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上陈健豪建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方短期重点关注2025-2030Frontline resistance, short-term focus below2005-2000Frontline support.

  crude oilLatest market trend analysis:

Analysis of crude oil news: Tuesday(5month2日)美市盘中,美原油持续走低,交投于73.0dollar/桶下方。以及西方央行继续加息以遏制顽固的通胀,加剧全球经济放缓并削弱需求的忧虑,此外,美联储再次加息预期推动美元走高,也削弱了原油吸引力。随着主要经济体的经济活动出现疲软迹象,市场对全球经济放缓的担忧日益增强,这打击了需求前景。美国上周公布的国内生产总值(GDP)初值报告显示,这个世界上最大的经济体在第一季度的放缓程度超过了预期。同时,周日中国官方公布的4Monthly Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index(PMI)from3Of the month51.9lower49.2of4个月低点,同时非制造业PMIdecline1.8to56.4, lower than expected57.0。此外,世界第三大经济体——日本的工厂活动在4月份连续第六个月萎缩。与此同时,美国、英国和欧元区等发达经济体正面临高通胀的煎熬,预计各国央行将进一步加息以平抑通胀,这将给经济增长前景带来压力,并削弱原油需求。

  原油技术面分析:日线级别,震荡;油价受到布林线下轨支撑后反弹,但仍受到100The suppression of the daily moving average,MACDGolden fork,KDJ初步死叉,短线走势变数较大,留意73.0-76.0区域突破情况,分别是布林线下轨支撑和100日均线阻力。鉴于上一交易日录得了下影线,暗示短线下方存在逢低买盘,后市略微偏向震荡上行,若能顶破100日均线附近阻力,则增加短线看涨信号,进一步阻力在21Daily moving average79.07附近,此前缺口上沿阻力也在该位置附近,需要予以留意,进一步阻力参考80INTEGER GATES AND200Daily moving average81.71附近阻力。若跌破布林线下轨75.55附近支撑,则油价可能会加速下跌,下方进一步支撑在3month28Daily low point72.18Nearby,3month22The daily high is supported by71.29Nearby, then70整数关口附近支撑。综合来看,原油今日短线操作思路上陈健豪建议以反弹高空为主,回踩低多为辅,上方短期重点关注72.8-73.3Frontline resistance, short-term focus below70.5-70.0Frontline support.


      The following is the online ordering group of Chen Jianhao's team, with daily3-5You can check your strength at any time,v;wy39749

  Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...695 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720806Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...832 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720806Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...395 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720806Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...669 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720806Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...4 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720806Chen Jianhao;5.3Will gold and foreign exchange continue to rise today? Tonight's latest trend analysis and...647 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720806

The market is constantly changing every day, and we have a strong analysis team who makes every order through thoughtful judgment, ensuring that every order can be profitable and out of the market! The operation of two to three orders every day does not require overnight wealth, only the safety of falling into the bag! The profit is very high, I take nine points alone, one point depends on luck, and eight points depends on strength! A day or two is luck, what about a week? How about two weeks? Whether it's internal or group posting strategies, or major financial websites, team teachers are all bidding for orders at current prices! Daily analysis team technical guidance group, real-time announcement of daily market trend push, real-time current price call out Every entry is reasonable, evidence-based, publicly available, and free for group experience and inspection!

Non personal real offer customers, providing general direction and expectations, will update trend analysis and operational ideas on their social media every day. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, and those who need to see suggestions can follow (Chen Jianhao) to see them on their own without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the real offer operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time, as time is precious, It's not for waste.

Teacher Chen Jianhao, we don't have any here100%Correct, only with a robust operational approach. Big warehouses focus on trends, small warehouses focus on bands, and control their own proportions. There are no unprofitable investments, only unsuccessful orders! Whether to make money depends on the timing of buying up and buying down. Making money depends on opportunities, investing on wisdom, and managing finances on professionalism.

This article is provided by Chen Jianhao. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

  writing/Chen Jianhao [free guidance]VX:wy39749, buckle:2317258291】

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