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Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...

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There is no need to say anything after the introduction, only the current price list allows you to verify your strength, which is more important than more gorgeous language - Chen Jianhao's guidance on micro;wy39749

Friends who need to join the real-time analysis group can add the author on WeChat to join the group, and adding the author can enjoy it for free3--5Current price list!!!  

  Message interpretation:

Friday(4month28Daily Spotgold震荡上涨,目前交投于1990dollar/Around ounces, overnight in the first quarter of the United StatesPCE数据反映美国通胀依然高企,提升了美联储5月份加息后6月份再加息一次的预期,年内降息预期降温,隔夜美债收益率大涨,周五美元指数跟涨,对金价形成压制,而美国科技企业财报靓丽,带动美股大涨,也打压黄金的避险需求。金价多次上冲2000关口告败后,短线下行风险有所增加。不过美国银行业危机担忧情绪仍在,债务上限谈判陷入僵局,可能会限制金价的下行空间。



  黄金本周整体呈现震荡的调整态势,周线收小阳线,本周最低下探1974企稳反弹,日线收探底小阳线,周一开盘后跌至1974开始反弹,周二日线收阳后行情涨至2003.90;周三继续上涨破高至2009.41承压开始回踩,最低1983.40日线以小阳线报收,周四冲高2003.70受阻回调至1974.13,日线十字小阴线报收,周五继续震荡盘整,最高1995.0, minimum1976.28,本周整体维持在2010-1970之间宽幅震荡,下周下方可继续关注1970附近争夺,破位甚至有望回撤1960-1950附近。上方继续关注2010Pressure.


  从周KOn the line, the support below the gold price is stable, and bulls have been able to stop in recent weeks8The decline since the beginning of the month is expected to usher in a wave of rebound. Preliminary resistance above50%Retreat position1763Nearby. A long-term upward trend line is particularly important. If trading above this line can continue, the long-term market is expected to experience a reversal

  日线高位震荡,布林线高位收口后接近水平运行,后市走势需要关注布林线轨道1966.32-2031.35区域突破情况,目前金价承压于布林线中轨下方,MACD死叉良好运行,短线偏向试探布林线下轨1966.32附近支撑,如果失守该支撑,则增加后市看空信号;进一步支撑参考1960Gateway,1805-2048涨势38.2%回撤位在1954.89Nearby,3month27低点支撑在1943.93Nearby. Due toKDJ有金叉趋势,金价目前仍守在1980关口上方,若金价意外回升至2000关口上方,则削弱短线看空信号;进一步阻力在周三高点2009.23附近。然后是2020整数关口附近阻力。操作上陈健豪建议1970支撑不破继续维持1970-2010区间高空低多操作。

Suggestions for next week's gold trading:

  陈健豪建议黄金在2003-2000Consider short selling and stop loss nearby2010, look at the goal1990-1980附近;建议回踩在1978-1980Consider going long and stopping losses nearby1973, look at the goal1990-2000附近,仓位上套了多空单的陈健豪会根据实时情况给出合理建议

If you have never made an investment and want to learn about it, or if your order is not smooth, your investment funds are often shrinking, and you want to learn technical analysis and market analysis, then you need to visit our group and take a look. I believe that most people in this market are in the current state where they cannot hold orders, have a bad mentality, operate smoothly, suffer serious losses but are unwilling to do so. The most direct reason for all of this is losses, which have caused everything for you. Those who dare not hold positions think that the orders have gone two points in the opposite direction, the direction is wrong, the orders have suffered minor losses, and those with a bad mentality think that the market should continue to rise, I will chase up, kill the short, and those who make mistakes think to themselves, I have been wrong so many times. This time, it should be right. People who have suffered heavy losses think to themselves, 'If others can make money, I will definitely turn losses into profits.' The result of all this is that the account funds are floating red, the mentality is severely affected, and the quality of life is severely affected. A heart that was originally hoping for has already sunk to the bottom. Have you thought about it, Whether it's a teacher's guidance mistake or one's own fault, in fact, everything has a reason to find, the key is to see if you have found the right person.

      The following is the online ordering group of Chen Jianhao's team, with daily3-5You can check your strength at any time,v;wy39749

  Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...785 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720761Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...501 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720761Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...34 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720761Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...941 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720761Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...742 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720761Chen Jianhao;4.29What is the market outlook for gold and crude oil next week? The latest market trend of gold and crude oil...625 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720761

The market is constantly changing every day, and we have a strong analysis team who makes every order through thoughtful judgment, ensuring that every order can be profitable and out of the market! The operation of two to three orders every day does not require overnight wealth, only the safety of falling into the bag! The profit is very high, I take nine points alone, one point depends on luck, and eight points depends on strength! A day or two is luck, what about a week? How about two weeks? Whether it's internal or group posting strategies, or major financial websites, team teachers are all bidding for orders at current prices! Daily analysis team technical guidance group, real-time announcement of daily market trend push, real-time current price call out Every entry is reasonable, evidence-based, publicly available, and free for group experience and inspection!

Non personal real offer customers, providing general direction and expectations, will update trend analysis and operational ideas on their social media every day. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, and those who need to see suggestions can follow (Chen Jianhao) to see them on their own without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the real offer operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time, as time is precious, It's not for waste.

Teacher Chen Jianhao, we don't have any here100%Correct, only with a robust operational approach. Big warehouses focus on trends, small warehouses focus on bands, and control their own proportions. There are no unprofitable investments, only unsuccessful orders! Whether to make money depends on the timing of buying up and buying down. Making money depends on opportunities, investing on wisdom, and managing finances on professionalism.

  本文由陈健豪供稿,本人解读世界经济要闻,剖析全球投资大趋势,对crude oilWe have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as gold and other commodities. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

  writing/Chen Jianhao [free guidance]VX:wy39749, buckle:2317258291】

Full day guidance time: morning7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00.(We never stop on weekends and can consult for free at any time)

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