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Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...

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There is no need to say anything after the introduction, only the current price list allows you to verify your strength, which is more important than more gorgeous language - Chen Jianhao's guidance on micro;wy39749

Friends who need to join the real-time analysis group can add the author on WeChat to join the group, and adding the author can enjoy it for free3--5Current price list!!!


  金价从周初低点1974附近反弹,并一度升破2000to2009近周高位, 因为美债收益率急剧下降,抵消了美元走强带来的压力,同时投资者在等待本周晚些时候公布的一系列美国经济数据,这些数据可能会影响美联储的加息立场。投资者在可能决定美联储加息策略的美国经济数据公布前避免大举押注。美联储5月之后大概率暂停加息,但可能不会完全关闭继续加息的大门。但金融稳定性风险并未完全消退。如果全球经济担忧情绪重新蔓延到金融市场中,并且美联储扭转加息进程的预期重新抬升,gold仍有可能重返2000Above USD.

  Technical analysis:

Gold4小时图来看,反复循环于上线与下线之间,昨天冲上线压制下行,价格直接破掉一线刺破二线, 这说明价格后市还得回一次下线及加还线,因为前边的运行都是上线压制下行刺破下线,而目前运行的时间已经达到一个冰点了,预期最迟明天会走出这个区间,而客观来看二线是最容易迷惑人的,但是随机指标KDJDead fork down,MACD快慢线开始粘合二次死叉时就是加速时,目前既然已经破了一线,哪日内顶底转换一线就将成为有效空点。黄金昨天收十字阴线,今天暂时也按照震荡思路操作。目前上方阻力1994附近,也是日内多空分水,行情站稳1994Look up1999-2004附近,触及可以空。上方强阻力依旧是昨天说的2018-2020,也是做空位置。如果行情1994受阻回落,下方看1986-1977附近,强支撑前低1969and1964附近,触及可以多。

  黄金日内操作策略建议:上方反弹1995-98Short on the front line, stop loss2002, Objective1980-82frontline

  crude oilanalysis:

  原油后半夜大跌至74附近,日线大阴,正常走势今天还有低点。日线阻力77附近,触及可以空,小时线阻力75.6附近,不破可以先空。下方目标先看74.2Break the position to see73-71.8,然后反手多,因为71.7yes618的位置,正常走势都会有反弹。如果行情走震荡76上方找机会再空,毕竟74也是很关键的支撑位。

If you have never made an investment and want to learn about it, or if your order is not smooth, your investment funds are often shrinking, and you want to learn technical analysis and market analysis, then you need to visit our group and take a look. I believe that most people in this market are in the current state where they cannot hold orders, have a bad mentality, operate smoothly, suffer serious losses but are unwilling to do so. The most direct reason for all of this is losses, which have caused everything for you. Those who dare not hold positions think that the orders have gone two points in the opposite direction, the direction is wrong, the orders have suffered minor losses, and those with a bad mentality think that the market should continue to rise, I will chase up, kill the short, and those who make mistakes think to themselves, I have been wrong so many times. This time, it should be right. People who have suffered heavy losses think to themselves, 'If others can make money, I will definitely turn losses into profits.' The result of all this is that the account funds are floating red, the mentality is severely affected, and the quality of life is severely affected. A heart that was originally hoping for has already sunk to the bottom. Have you thought about it, Whether it's a teacher's guidance mistake or one's own fault, in fact, everything has a reason to find, the key is to see if you have found the right person.

      The following is the online ordering group of Chen Jianhao's team, with daily3-5You can check your strength at any time,v;wy39749

  Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...799 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720719Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...535 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720719Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...212 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720719Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...598 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720719Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...667 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720719Chen Jianhao;4.27(Today's trend of gold) Gold continues to fluctuate and wash the market Intraday gold...353 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1720719

The market is constantly changing every day, and we have a strong analysis team who makes every order through thoughtful judgment, ensuring that every order can be profitable and out of the market! The operation of two to three orders every day does not require overnight wealth, only the safety of falling into the bag! The profit is very high, I take nine points alone, one point depends on luck, and eight points depends on strength! A day or two is luck, what about a week? How about two weeks? Whether it's internal or group posting strategies, or major financial websites, team teachers are all bidding for orders at current prices! Daily analysis team technical guidance group, real-time announcement of daily market trend push, real-time current price call out Every entry is reasonable, evidence-based, publicly available, and free for group experience and inspection!

Non personal real offer customers, providing general direction and expectations, will update trend analysis and operational ideas on their social media every day. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, and those who need to see suggestions can follow (Chen Jianhao) to see them on their own without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the real offer operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time, as time is precious, It's not for waste.

Teacher Chen Jianhao, we don't have any here100%Correct, only with a robust operational approach. Big warehouses focus on trends, small warehouses focus on bands, and control their own proportions. There are no unprofitable investments, only unsuccessful orders! Whether to make money depends on the timing of buying up and buying down. Making money depends on opportunities, investing on wisdom, and managing finances on professionalism.

This article is provided by Chen Jianhao. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

  writing/Chen Jianhao [free guidance]VX:wy39749, buckle:2317258291】

Full day guidance time: morning7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00.(We never stop on weekends and can consult for free at any time)

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