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Yu Yue on Jin:3.21黄金晚间行情怎么操作!黄金最新解套操作...

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Mutual encouragement for capital exchange:

       I have always insisted on writing analysis and tried to make it as easy to understand as possible. Some things are written that many investors cannot understand and are meaningless. To do a good job, Yu Yue believes that it is necessarily helpful to others. Therefore, in terms of analysis, I often write some judgments on technical forms and trend lines, as well as some personal experience summaries and suggestions on direction operations. This is not for any reason, but to enable more people to learn to make their own judgments and learn effective technical analysis, which can reap profits from practical operations.

In short, we must achieve every order with a solid foundation, so that some friends who are losing money or those who are not ideal can regain their confidence. Whenever I see that following my friends can make stable money, Yu Yue Lunjin is in a very happy state. Yu Yue Lunjin believes that making money requires rhythm, and making orders requires strength. It can be said that no matter how the market goes, when we reach the pre predicted order position, there will beKThe shape of the line, as well as the structural signals, Yu Yuelun Jin has a high probability of obtaining corresponding stable profits from it. So far, the suggestions given by the teacher and the friends who came to inquire about ideas are still in a profitable state overall. This also makes teachers believe that effort and reward are proportional, and they have finally lived up to their years of immersion in the spot market research and efforts.

So to get to the point, for friends who need guidance, or for those who need real-time advice, and for those who want Yu Yue to discuss money for a price list experience3Dear friends, you can come for consultation.VX:yyLj10086, buckle:724952173

 goldLatest market trend analysis:


  据美国彭博社周二报道,美国政府官员正在研究如何暂时将联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的保险范围扩大到所有存款,这是多家银行联合提出的要求,他们认为这是防止潜在金融危机所必需的。据知情人士透露,美国财政部工作人员正在评估联邦监管机构是否有足够的紧急授权,可以在没有得到分歧严重的国会正式同意的情况下,临时为多数账户的存款提供超过目前25万美元上限的保险。根据芝加哥商业交易所集团(CME Group)的“美联储观察工具”,目前市场押注美联储本月暂停加息的几率为30%。与此同时,对美联储在今年年底前小幅降息的押注也有所增加,这对美元的复苏构成威胁。随着美联储为期两天的会议将于周二开始,市场也不愿对黄金价格进行任何方向性押注,等待周三的关键政策决定。与此同时,投资者对全球银行业的发展和美国成屋销售数据保持警惕。

Technical analysis of gold:


  日线的初步支撑在1958,这里是上周五实体突破的高点,如果回调力度较小,预计将会维持在此位置上方进行震荡,第二个支撑在1913Here is1806上涨是受阻的位置,也是上周突破的关键压制,突破这是,这便从阻力转变为了支撑,也是1806这段上涨的顶底转换位,回落较强的情况下,预计的回落位置就在1920附近,需要注意的是,一旦跌破1913,那么金价在日线反转的意义便会进一步加强,目前还看不出来能否下破此,4小时回调一旦开始,到达1940-1920附近的可能性较大,但是能否进一步下行,还需要后市的行情进行观察。

  接下来我们需要注意的是,1hourMACD快慢线下零轴的可能,只有1小时的快慢线下零轴,顶背离才能完全得以修正,不然即便在零轴附近重新金叉上行,还会出现持续的背离,甚至带动4小时出现极端的背离。意外情况则是,头肩顶形态并未形成,金价昨天在1970受支撑后,继续上行,突破左肩1990的高点,一旦突破此,头肩顶便以失败告终,届时需要注意1小时再次背离,并且带动4小时极端背离的可能,这个时候越靠近前高附近越是好的空单机会。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上建议反弹做空为主,回调做多为辅,上方短期重点关注1980-1986Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1956-1950Frontline support.

crude oilTechnical analysis:

    昨日油价技术面整体先抑后扬,价格在亚欧盘持续走跌至65关口下方创出阶段低点64.1一线,午后欧盘企稳64.5关口附近探底回升震荡上行走高,最终在美盘强势拉升至早间开跌口67关口上方延续反弹,最终日k线报收探底回升震荡中阳,整体价格向下刺破64关口后企稳回升,且收盘站稳早间开跌口67上方短线还有进一步反弹回升预期,今日下方支撑关注66-65.5区域,日内回撤依托此位置支撑继续先多看反弹,上方压力关注前期4Hourly opening and closing69.5一线压制,今日回踩先多继续看反弹回升,上方等待冲高出现明显压制形态后再入场做空,近期技术面多空强弱分界线关注70关口,日线级别一旦突破并站稳此位置上方有望迎来日线级别反弹回升。综合来看,今日原油操作思路上建议以反弹做空为主,回踩低多为辅,上方短期关注69.0-69.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below65.8-65.3Frontline support.

Yu Yue's Discussion on Gold - To my friends who invest, let me express my sincere words:

       When you finish reading my article, you will understand that you are looking for a teacher who can lead you to make stable money. I am not only a guiding teacher, but also a friend worth making in your life. We welcome like-minded people to come and have a long conversation! In your eyes, there is a profit of a hundred times leverage, while I am considering the risks of a vast abyss. Thinking determines the way out, and different perspectives on the market determine that you will take risks for profit. However, I will spare a single profit in order to avoid risks. The Yu Yue Lunjin team has already formulated a complete set of profits and,Wait for you to participate and escort every penny of your profits.

1We have a professional team, and each time we give advice, multiple analysts analyze it together.

2Our sense of responsibility towards our work, our clients are making orders, and our analysis is always accompanied.

3:2024/7 service

4Your trust, my attitude.

5Every time you encounter a problem, it is driven by an investment attitude that solves the problem for you in real time.

      This article is exclusively planned by gold analyst Yu Yuelun Jin. Thank you for your love and support for this article. I hope everyone can gain some insights and insights from this article! Regardless of whether the viewpoint and strategy of the article are consistent with everyone's opinions, everyone can come to me to discuss and learn together! Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Please be vigilant for the same article content and fields that appear after this time period! Investment itself carries risks, reminding everyone to recognize the authoritative platform. Strength teachers, capital safety first, then consider operational risk, and finally how to make profits!

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