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Tao Hongda: Strength guides short-term trading strategies! Let you turn over your inventory and return to your original account

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Tao Hongda: Strength guides short-term trading strategies! Let you turn over your inventory and return to your original account512 / author:thd112211 / PostsID:1717137

  晚间黄金可能会因为欧盘时段异常拉升而放大震荡的区间,但具体是否会放大,则要看晚间美指走势的影响。1小时图布林道开始收口,本周五还有重磅非农数据。不排除在数据公布前进入收缩整理,空间有所收敛。晚间黄金上方先关注1827附近短压测试,上方主要压力则继续关注1835-1838一带,下方则继续关注1820-1818一带争夺,依然可能提供支撑,但依然有很大的跌破可能性,跌破则下方再看1810一带测试。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上反弹做空为主,回调做多为辅,上方短期重点关注1835-1840Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1818-1820Frontline support, friends must keep up with the rhythm.

Reference for Golden Operation Strategy:

Strategy 1: Gold rebounds1835-1838Short nearby, stop loss6Points, target1830-1825Nearby, break down and take a look1820frontline;

Strategy 2: Gold Callback1820-1822Long nearby, stop loss6Points, target1830-1835Nearby, break down and take a look1840frontline;

  油价在昨晚的波动交易中走高,整体价格围绕74-76区域宽幅震荡运行大洗盘,收盘重回76.5关口上方延续多空震荡节奏,crude oil日线震荡下跌;MACDDead fork,KDJ死叉,布林带继续开口,油价位于所有均线下方,21The daily moving average has a downward crossing55日均线的趋势,上一交易日失守上周五低点75.05附近支撑,录得光脚大阴线,暗示下跌动能仍存,短线油价面临进一步下行风险,布林线下轨支撑目前在73.18Nearby,2month6Daily low point support at72.24附近,该位置支撑较强,需要予以关注,进一步强支撑在70整数关口附近,如果跌破该支撑,则增加中线看空信号。上方75.05位置目前已经转化为初步阻力所在,收复该位置前,后市偏向空头;5Daily moving average resistance75.53Nearby,10Daily moving average21Daily moving average and55日均线目前都在77.24附近,需要收复该位置,才能扭转油价跌势。综合来看,原油今日短线操作思路上个人建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期关注77.5-78.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below75.4-74.9Frontline support.


Strategy 1:77.6-77.5Short selling, stop loss78.2Target bit76.5-76.3。

Strategy 1:75.5-75.3Long, stop loss74.6Target bit76.5-76.7。

Tao Hongda: Strength guides short-term trading strategies! Let you turn over your inventory and return to your original account150 / author:thd112211 / PostsID:1717137
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