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Tao Hongda: decisive battle against small non-agriculture, blocking large non-agriculture, and real-time layout of dual agriculture

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Foreword: People are not born to know, who can have no doubts? If you are confused and don't follow the teacher, you can't understand it. In the investment market, the fast conversion of long and short is always surprising. In the face of fierce fluctuations in the market, you must understand the timely adjustment strategy. War is unstable and water is unstable. Only by taking advantage of the situation can you be able to move smoothly and remain invincible.

  goldMarket analysis:

Since the European session, gold has been hit by the rebound of the US index and fell continuously. In the evening, Powell's speech turned to an eagle. The dollar rose violently, and gold was also fatally hit and fell below10Daily line1830支撑,且后半夜连续阴跌,并未有明显的回弹迹象,日线最终收得一大阴线。

  结合小时图走势,目前多头看不出一点的回弹力量,且昨晚短时下跌空间太大,所以暂时也不要追空,其内期待行情能够有一定的回弹,借着回弹再去考虑短空参与,但切莫再盲目的搏超跌反弹多。日内上方可先关注隔夜行情的首个下跌低点1815/16附近,主要压力则看隔夜下跌后的首个回弹小高点1824附近,下方继续则关注前低1806-00区域回踩测试,如果下半周基本面不断利空施压的话,或可去回撤200Daily line1780-70一带内,对应的,美指测压200日线,黄金回落200日,操作上,主思路继续以空为主,目前情况下,虽然技术上有支撑可言,但空头情绪浓重,所以多单风险是非常大的

  ①日内上方若能回弹至1814-16激进轻仓追短空,此单站稳1820上方即考虑暂损,目标下看1810Reduce positions nearby, change to break even and stop loss, and hold the remaining orders for further review1806-00区域减仓,且依旧可保留部分持单下看1780-70Expectations.



 crude oilTechnical analysis:

  昨日油价技术面在围绕80关口小幅震荡整理后迎来加速破位回落,亚盘小幅拉升至80.9关口附近陷入高位窄幅震荡运行,午后逐步震荡回落走跌下破80关口,晚间价格二次反抽承压80.2一线迎来空头加速下行破位,最终凌晨空头继续下行跌穿79-78Two integer checkpoints reached77.2附近报收弱势反包中阴,整体价格在80关口上方出现明显压制形态并以阴包阳收盘,短线价格再度破位79一线重回多空宽幅震荡区间,今日还有进一步调整回落预期,上方压力关注昨日小时线顶底转换位79.5-79.7附近,日内反抽依托此位置防守继续主空再看回落,下方重点关注欧盘多空强弱力度,欧盘破底美盘前借助反抽继续主空再看回落,未见明确企稳信号前逆势多单需谨慎,继续保持顺势主空节奏不变,具体操作策略我会在盘中提示,及时关注。


Tao Hongda: decisive battle against small non-agriculture, blocking large non-agriculture, and real-time layout of dual agriculture631 / author:thd112211 / PostsID:1717085
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