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Fang Yuan said Jin:2.28Gold sideways consolidation, high selling and low buying during the day, with crude oil fluctuating upwards...

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The market is full of temptations and risks. Here is the game between losers and winners. Only by putting the right attitude can we never lose. Success is a habit, and failure is also a habit. Both sides of success and failure will become increasingly fierce. So if you don't accept it when you should, the result will be a weakness of them. Most losers can't control small losses in this respect, nor satisfy the existing profits, and finally suffer big losses.

For friends who have no direction or deep losses in the market, they can find Fang Yuan to solve the problem. Even small funds have the conditions for profitability. Large funds make big profits, small funds make small profits, and we can do it according to our abilities. As long as your trust follows me, I will definitely escort your account, and the profits will not be small. We will sail together in the storm and fight side by side (guidance official WeChat:fysj87  ,Q:1706407347)
Fang Yuan said Jin:2.28Gold sideways consolidation, high selling and low buying during the day, with crude oil fluctuating upwards...900 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1716833 Fang Yuan said Jin:2.28Gold sideways consolidation, high selling and low buying during the day, with crude oil fluctuating upwards...89 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1716833

goldMarket trend analysis:

今天周二,当日需要关注的重点数据:澳大利亚第四季度经常帐,法国第四季度GDP年率终值,瑞士第四季度GDP年率,瑞士1月官方储备资产,美国1月批发库存月率初值,加拿大12After adjusting the roseGDP月率,加拿大12After adjusting the roseGDP年率,美国2Month ChicagoPMIAnd the United States2月谘商会消费者信心指数。需要关注的大事件包括日本参议院举行确认日本央行两名副行长提名的听证会;国家统计局公布2022年国民经济和社会发展统计公报;英国央行货币政策委员曼恩发表讲话。




Golden Step Back1812-10一线继续多,防守1805Look1820-28一线,有效突破1820Step back1818-20区间接多,防守1813Look1830附近,首次触及1832Nearby air, defense1840Look1820nearby

crude oilMarket trend analysis:

原油周一先冲高再回落,整体走势还是陷入震荡之中,昨晚虽然跌破日内支撑但并未形成空头走势,因此原油还是存在继续上行创出新高的可能。原油操作建议75.35Buy, risk control74.90, Objective76.30~76.80~77.30。

In addition to investing, life also includes poetry and distance. The article lacks too much fancy language and chicken soup. I believe that what every reader lacks is not chicken soup, but practical analysis and strong theory. I am Teacher Fang Yuan. If there are orders in the warehouse or there are serious losses in the near future, you can add Fang Yuan [official WeChat:fysj87,Official account: Fang Yuanshuijin] For help, I will take the time to give you some suggestions for reference. I hope this article can give you some help in your transaction. Finally, I wish you a happy transaction.

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