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Fang Yuan said Jin:10.24The US dollar skyrocketed in the short term, while gold remained much lower within the day!

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  If you have never made an investment and want to learn about it, or if your order is not smooth, your investment often shrinks, you want to learn technical analysis and market analysis, but you don't know where to study, then you need to go to our group to take a look. The financial industry has various forms. What I hope is to use my professional knowledge and years of experience to safeguard your funds. If you are currently struggling with losses, or if there are so many strategies to follow, you can choose to observe our daily operations within the group (unconditional entry). The operations within the group are well founded, with real-time current price orders. Each order enters, and we have sufficient profits. Not only that, but we have provided illustrations to our friends in the real offer customer group when providing strategies, which clearly explains why we enter, Why is this the opening point and where the expected target is, it's clear at a glance! The benefits are also considerable.

Here is my current price order within the group. Real time updates every day. I usually have real-time layout of current price orders for everyone to keep up with. As a straightforward person, I won't keep accurate market trends. As long as I have accurate orders, I will enter the group through current price orders! (Fang Yuanguan WeChat:fysj87)
Fang Yuan said Jin:10.24The US dollar skyrocketed in the short term, while gold remained much lower within the day!955 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1714951 Fang Yuan said Jin:10.24The US dollar skyrocketed in the short term, while gold remained much lower within the day!810 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1714951 Fang Yuan said Jin:10.24The US dollar skyrocketed in the short term, while gold remained much lower within the day!743 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1714951 Fang Yuan said Jin:10.24The US dollar skyrocketed in the short term, while gold remained much lower within the day!698 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1714951

goldTrend analysis:


   当前,强势美元抑制了黄金的货币属性;全球加息潮限制了黄金的投资属性;世界经济的衰退预期压制了黄金的商品属性;全球流动性的快速下降牵制了黄金的避险功能;因此,黄金的三大属性与避险功能都无法有效体现。同时,美储鹰派讲话表示通胀不息,加息不止。11month3Interest rate hike75A basis point has almost become a foregone conclusion, and the market has risen again12Expected monthly interest rate hike. The world's largest goldETFReduce position to928Tons, reaching a new low this year, but no additional positions have been seen.

   黄金周五发力大涨1657At the close of the market, the daily trend of a large positive trend covers a large negative trend, and the strength and speed of the rebound can clearly indicate the bottom shape. For Monday's gold, the short-term strength is likely to continue to increase in volume. Pay attention to1647—1645More support, watershed1640Look at the pressure above1660—1668—1673!

   黄金上周五可以理解为二次下探没新低,反弹拉升,几乎最高价收盘,周线收长下影阳线,本周看涨。周线支撑1643附近触及可以做多,上方目标1684应该问题不大。如果行情站稳1684,1700应该挡不住,还会去前高1733附近。日线昨天大阳,就看回落到什么位置可以进多。黄金上破修正的低点在1647附近,所以触及先多,不过4Support in hours1651,也就是行情走强的话会在1651上方运行。如果行情走震荡,会给到1637附近的位置。日线目标先看1660Break the position to see1673-1684Nearby,1684不破小止损空,破位继续看15Above USD.

crude oilMarket trend analysis:

   原油上周最低81.3附近,也是大阳线的起涨点,周线收十字星。单看周线,本周倾向涨一波,重点关注周一开盘和走势,如果行情符合预期上涨,周初就是低多。周线阻力93.3附近,支撑还是81.3附近。日线周五震荡收十字星,走势不明朗。既然倾向涨一波就找机会低多为主,小时线支撑84.6附近,也是日内多空分水。周一84.6不破先多,震荡的话84.1附近多,目标85.8-86.7Break the position to see1美金以上。如果周一走势出现回落,我们再跟进分析,具体实盘为准。

   ——How should beginners correctly invest in gold, crude oil, and silver?

1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.

2Starting with small-scale trading - For beginners in the market, it is necessary to start with small-scale trading, gradually grasp trading patterns and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.

3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities, and bear heavier risks based on the opposite market trend and personal wishes.

4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.

5Better miss than make mistakes - opportunities are always present, and seizing them requires a pair of bright eyes rather than quietly waiting for an empty opportunity.

6Develop investment plans that are suitable for oneself - life requires planning, investment requires planning, and investment is not an overnight process. Only by strictly executing can one profit from it. So how to become a profiteer in the gold investment market is crucial.

The above are all sincere suggestions from Fang Yuan. If you are currently losing money, consolidate and consolidate the above knowledge points, and don't just be discouraged. The mentality on the road of investment is very important, failure is not scary, what's scary is that you are not willing to summarize. If you always remain unchanged on the road of investment, then you are the true failure! No matter what state you are in now, Fang Yuan hopes that these words can bring you some help! I am Fang Yuan, an analyst who works with you in the same boat. I am precise in my orders, ruthless in my stops, and stable in my profits without any restrictions!

    (Click on the avatar to view information and join the group. Apply for free and directly join the group to experience the experience. Order at the current price every day)3-5Single)

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  This article is provided by Fang Yuan. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Technical Director Fang Yuan provides online solutions, returns losses, and provides one-on-one real-time guidance on WeChat. The above content belongs to personal suggestions. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only, at your own risk. Real time ideas are provided at current prices. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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