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Yu Yue on Jin:9.29Analysis of the rise and fall trend of gold prices, short-term operation of gold and crude oil...

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Analysis of International Gold Trends:

  黄金行情探底拉升,早盘开盘在1629.3dollar/盎司,后行情先回落,日线最低给到了1614.5dollar/盎司,后行情受到避险情绪影响展开拉升过程,日线破位前日倒锤头高点后行情强势拉升,日线最高触及到了日线级别10日均线压力1662.6dollar/盎司,后行情整理,日线最终收线在了1659.8dollar/盎司,后行情以一根下影线很长的大阳线收线,而这样的形态收尾后,黄金向上考验阻力位动力。4The low point of the hour chart has rebounded in a double positive streak, directly recovering all the losses at the beginning of the week. The trend of a quick rebound in a negative decline is that once the end of the day closes at a high level, the next day's opening is a shock correction idea, which may be accompanied by a second downward trend and a rebound, but in the short term, the initial trend is1614Above the low point, there will be a slight pull saw to stop the decline. Simultaneously constructing small-scale periodic graphsABC小三浪反弹修正走法。综上所述总结:黄金昨日直线拉升,大阳线走高,今日操作上考虑高空低多策略,上方关注1671-1680dollar/Ounces, support attention below1640-1634dollar/ounce.

  crude oilRelated information:

  (周四)亚市盘初,美油交投于81.70dollar/Near the barrel; Oil prices skyrocketed on Wednesday5%,因美元从近期涨势中回软,美国国债收益率回落,而且美国燃料库存数据显示降幅大于预期,消费者需求出现反弹,西方和俄罗斯就北溪管道疑遭蓄意破坏致地缘紧张局势直线升级。美国能源信息署(EIA)周三表示,由于燃料需求上升和炼油厂减少运作,上周美国原油、汽油和馏分油库存均下降。截至9month23During the current week, crude oil inventory decreased21.5Ten thousand barrels, to4.306亿桶,而路透调查的分析师的预期是增加44.3Ten thousand barrels.

Analysis of International Crude Oil Trends:

  原油行情早盘开盘在77.792dollar/桶,后行情先回落,日线最低给到了76.23dollar/桶,后行情强势拉升,日线最高触及到了81.955dollar/桶,后行情冲高回落,日线最终收线在了81.443dollar/桶,后行情以一根下影线很长的大阳线收线,而这样的形态收尾后,今日的行情延续先看涨。4小时图低位启稳形成连阳反弹,一步式放量到位直接冲击到首个阻力点,目前接近下行趋势线,相对于黄金的迂回转折,原油释放反弹量能速率较快,目前触及到了首个阻力点,启稳后再配合支撑布局短多,综上所述总结:原油探底回升,预期先涨后跌,今日操作上考虑高空低多策略,上方关注82.6-83.8dollar/Barrel resistance, pay attention below80.4-79.3dollar/Bucket support.

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