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Analysis of the latest trend of spot gold international crude oil Operation suggestions

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Always stay on the front line of investment and maintain a scientific attitude towards the investment market! Refuse to be blind, refuse to be ambiguous - Hello everyone,I am Teacher Qin Zeran!

There are no unprofitable investments, only immature operational models and precise and unique market structure analysis. I amgoldSenior analyst Qin Zeran is proficient in the band trend operation of the gold market, daily high and low short-term operations, has years of in-depth research on the rhythm of the market, has a bold and unrestrained personality, and sharp and accurate trading techniques. Over the years of employment, I have diligently helped countless friends who have fallen into confusion in their investments to get out of the mud. If you have any difficulties, Zeran has clever solutions!

Analysis of the latest gold market:

Analysis of Gold News: Wednesday(8month10日)公布的的数据显示,美国7月通胀同比升8.5%,不仅低于预期,也低于6月的数据,这意味着从表现上来看,美国通胀已暂时回落。CPI数据发布后,现货黄金短线涨幅扩大至17美元。有分析师认为,金价正处于美联储对高通胀和经济增长疲弱的担忧之中。黄金若要形成结构性走高趋势,美联储将需要面对有关其抗通胀承诺的“强烈质疑”,就像上世纪70年代那样。要让金价形成实质性的下行趋势,通胀需要持续出人意料地上行,美联储需要拿出“无条件”决心让通胀回落。美联储主席鲍威尔可能会注意到,物价上涨的步伐正在放缓,但还没有显示出足以让美联储放弃收紧货币政策的下降趋势。对于前端市场来说,这可能意味着更大的波动,但我们仍然认为,随着市场再次重新评估美联储抗击通胀的承诺,尤其是在就业形势仍然如此强劲的情况下,两年期美国国债收益率可能会遭到更多抛售。有经济学家表示:即使由于能源价格疲软导致整体通胀放缓,但核心通胀仍居高不下,美联储可能会保持其紧缩倾向。

  黄金技术面分析:黄金昨日小幅探高后收平,日线收成小阳KLine, highest probe1807dollar|Ounces, the integer level has reached, with a slight decline in the end of the day and still closing at1794Nearby, previous high point. The daily line is currently entering a stage of being bullish to cautious. After releasing space through continuous rebounds, there is gradually resistance to suppress upward, and currently there is still a competition between rebounds and trend reversals. On the two trading days of this week, it was characterized by a seesaw oscillation, with a weak outlook and a fluctuation above the upward trend line. Insufficient spatial continuity and twists and turns. On a weekly basis, this week is the fourth week of rebound, with clear signs of weakness in strength. The weekly line may be accompanied by a double step back to confirm support. The common method of sawing and washing in volatile market conditions.4The hourly chart temporarily maintains stability and operates within the ascending channel, with repeated twists and turns, but the attached figureMACD无力创新高,使得短线节奏开始拉锯。目前布林道也开始收口,结合昨日的走法,虽有探高,但持续性是一个问题,不是单边,更长时间是以震荡形态呈现。空间结合形态来定,很难走出一步到位的单边行情与空间。美元的多空不定,也给予黄金短期的区间判定加大了难度。或许还会很长时间内伴随着拉锯震荡式的洗盘。综上所述,黄金今日操作思路上秦泽冉建议以反弹高空为主,回踩做多为辅,上方短期关注1802-1807Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1780-1775Frontline support. The article can only provide you with a temporary direction and ideas. As for the specific entry point and timing of settlement, please pay attention to Qin Zeran's firm offer and it will be provided in real time.

  crude oilLatest market analysis:

Analysis of crude oil news: Wednesday(8month10day),国际油价下跌,因隔夜公布的行业数据显示上周美国原油库存意外增加,表明需求可能出现波动。市场更多注意力都集中在伊朗核协议谈判上,这对于能否扩大供给存在不确定性预期。有分析师表示:油价和呈现疲软态势。美国7There is uncertainty in the expected performance of monthly inflation data, which limits the rebound of oil prices. US inflation data will be available on Wednesday Beijing time20:30Take out the furnace. Due to a significant decrease in gasoline costs, it is expected that the United States7月份消费者价格上涨速度将放缓,但这不会阻止美联储短期内进一步大幅加息,经济活动和燃料需求仍面临抑制。美国石油协会(API)According to data released overnight, as of8month5日当周,美国原油库存意外增加215.6万桶,市场先前预计减少40Ten thousand barrels. Official US Energy Information Administration(EIA)周度库存报告将在北京时间22:30公布。鉴于供应前景依然低迷,无论全球经济疲软对原油需求造成何种破坏,都无法进一步大幅打压油价。

  原油技术面分析:原油迂回过山车,昨日先是一波下探回升,最低87.6一线。美盘冲高92.3后承压再回吐收在低位,重新收在90.70下方,日线收盘一根小阴十字K线。日线反弹逼近此前的破位颈线再承压,尾盘收低,隔日显弱。或许反弹是为了再次破低做蓄势准备。4小时单阳反弹再转阴回吐,反弹只是昙花一现。并没有持续性,且尾盘收在低位,目前在中轨附近震荡,布林道开始收口,4hourK线结构还处于大的下行台阶中运行,昨日虽有反弹,但并未完全反转,尾盘仍收在颈线之下,只是加剧了短线洗盘的频率,加上波动基数加大,反弹的基数大,容易来回洗损。目前小周期开始收口低位震荡当中。综合来看,原油今日短线操作思路上秦泽冉建议以回踩低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注93.0-93.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below88.5-88.0Frontline support.

I believe everyone has seen too many analysts who show their profits in various markets, but Qin Zeran does not have magnificent profits. His strategy is publicly disclosed by friends every day, and the strategy is accurate and verified by the market situation. Keeping up is earning! No one earns every day, but someone earns every day. The difference lies in whether that person is you! There are many friends who have added Qin Zeran and are always skeptical about Qin Zeran's strategy. Is Teacher Qin's strategy accurate? Am I following or not? What should I do if I lose? I'll take a look again. Then the market came, others made a profit, and you lost. You always miss one opportunity after another in a skeptical wait and see, and then miss the next opportunity in a sigh of regret, so repeatedly that you lose the whole game. As an investor, we should remember our original intention of coming to this market and not let all our efforts go to waste. We should take cooperation and win-win as the starting point, cultivate and promote a healthy, harmonious and standardized trading philosophy, fundamentally eliminate non-performing trading models and order taking models, and truly achieve mutual benefit.

This article is originally contributed by Qin Zeran. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Due to the delay of network push, the above contents are personal suggestions. Since the network documents are timely, the suggestions are only for reference, and operational risk is borne by yourself! Reproduction and plagiarism without permission are strictly prohibited.

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