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Yu Yue on Jin:8.10黄金白银原油走势分析及操作建议附在线解...

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  goldAnalysis of market price trend:

  黄金一路单边下行至1680The low point has entered a rebound stage and successfully ended the decline5浪走势。相信一直关注方汇银的老铁们都知道本人反复明确告知可在1680Nearby bottoming, now rebounding to1800Successfully copied the bottom nearby and arrived successfully1800The big goal and bullish thinking are perfect. According to the waves8The conclusion of the wave cycle is that gold is currently in a decline5Post waveABCadjustment3Waves, already from1680Bounce to1800Near Daguan. Although non agricultural pressure1800The nearby pressure has eased slightly, but it does not affect the determination to continue bullish. The pullback is only for better storage and upward momentum, andABCThe adjustment is still justAWaves, and risingCThe waves have not yet appeared.

Gold1680底部回升,目前重回1800大关,MA5—MA10The moving average crosses upwards, and the Bollinger belt opens upwards,MACD红柱能延续放量,多头呈现步步高升态势;周线也是三连阳回升格局,代表短期看涨情绪高昂。现在非农下探1765后重返1800大关,说明调整A浪还在继续中。隔日黄金冲击1800大关,再度刷新高点,虽然没有直接跨越1800大关,但是回调的力度并不强烈,还有继续上涨的欲望。如果1800大关真是顶的话那么下跌力度应该不止这么一点,还有就是如果真要跌就不会之前冲击1795回落后又涨了上来,代表下方有大量买盘接多。黄金目前上行格局依旧,今晚将迎来CPI重磅数据,预期会加大刺激黄金走势,我们操作上依然保持看涨观点。重点关注1780附近支撑情况,如若跌破那么还将测试1770附近,上方重点关注1800突破企稳情况,一旦企稳估计要刷新高点至1815附近。黄金具体操作策略:1783Nearby, stop loss1777, Objective1790-1795、1803Near empty, stop loss1810, Objective1793-1788;

Analysis of silver market price trend:

  文章底部添加本人获取无偿解套名额、昨日白银没有跟随黄金反弹,说明压力明显。现在白银压力集中成交密集20.5After a continuous decline, stabilization, and rebound in the region, the current rebound is still relatively strong20.5The upward pressure is clearly unable to break through and adjust at any time. There is a point where the demand for silver industry in the later stage limits the downward space. When gold stabilizes, it is still the first to long silver. Since the rebound market started yesterday, we are temporarily looking for support to fall more. Currently, support is moving up18.8Continue to buy in the region, temporarily for the first time in a short order20.2Let's talk about it nearby. After all, the long and short conversions in the later stages occur unintentionally. Since we have started the long market, we are supporting buying and entering the market in batchesTDWe are still optimistic about gold4150The region continues to buy long and short orders and will not participate temporarily.

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