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When you see this article, I already understand that you are currently facing difficulties. First of all, Chen Jiazhe wants to make one point. It is a fate that you can see my article among millions of analysts. Since it is a fate, I hope to maintain it, find me, and communicate with me. So, the difficulties you are currently facing may be just one of the many examples that Chen Jiazhe has seen since becoming an analyst, So you can share all the problems you encounter with me, which not only allows you to learn more knowledge from me, but also to understand more principles. You can even continue to survive and make profits in this unpredictable market. Of course, you are currently continuously losing money, so you should ask yourself in your heart where the problem lies, or do you say that I lack a teacher who has a good understanding of myself? So I think as long as you carefully read Chen Jiazhe's article, you will definitely gain something and seize a straw in the current predicament.

Friday Beijing Time(8month5day)20:30,美国劳工部公布的7月非农就业报告大幅向好,失业率进一步走低。截至发稿,现货gold急跌至1766dollar/Ounces. United States7月非农就业人口大增52.80万,创今年2月以来新高,增幅远超预期的25万,前值下修至增加37.2Ten thousand people; United States7月失业率较前值和预期值下降0.1Percentage points to3.50%。美国劳工统计局:就业岗位普遍录得增长,主要是休闲和酒店、专业和商业服务、医疗保健行业的就业岗位增长显著;非农就业总人数和失业率均回到2020year2月(疫情前)的水平。市场将不得不重新评估美联储对劳动力市场如此强劲的反应。美国利率futures价格显示,美联储9Monthly interest rate increase75The probability of a basis point is62%,而之前的可能性为40.5%。加息75个基点的可能性超过加息50个基点。美联储观察:美国联邦基金利率期货价格在就业报告公布后显示,市场认为美联储利率年底前利率将达到3.5%(之前预期为3.4%)7月非农报告无疑会提升市场对美联储在9月议息会议上加息75Expectations of basis points.

  黄金技术面分析;黄金昨日大阳线收高,守住上升趋势线1754反弹收复失地,短线多头强势回归,昨日收复1788高点之后,再度逼近1800整数关口,目前在下行趋势线附近,同时也是60日均线的阻力处。结构上而言,有轻微的压力,但K线形态大阳线收得饱满,不排除直接强势顶破压力线。毕竟此前在1788承压后先走出了回撤。下探回升再探高,相对前一次的力度就更大一些。目前K线结构形成阳吞阴的收复性上涨。K线形态看多。4小时图依托1754做为浪形低点再次破高推动上涨浪形,从1680启稳构造底以来,先是ABC浪反弹,目前走出多头延伸三浪。再次破高,那么1754是短期的台阶多头防守点,同时也是上升趋势线的支撑,趋势线之上,4小时结构看多依旧。不排除短线伴随冲高回撤,但关注临界点的得与失,决定后市方向的延续。目前离趋势线较远,趋势上当作多头延伸。小时图昨日回撤在1773一线二次摸高冲高,此位是今日的首个支撑临界点。强势的话,一般较难再破前一日的尾盘回撤低点,结合日线的大阳收高,今日大概率要惯性先走高,但空间边走边看,也要谨防冲高回落的迂回震荡洗盘,综上所述,黄金今日思路上陈嘉哲建议以高空为主,上方短期关注1785-1790Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1760-1755Frontline support.

Author's message:

The answer to all questions is never unique and unchanging. Whether the market is going up or down, you cannot control it yourself. Only by keeping up with the pulse of the market can you avoid being eliminated. The market cannot always go up or down, and what is certain is that it will always go right. Risk is an objective, inevitable, and under certain conditions, it also has certain regularity, so we should pay more attention to risk control in operation.

This article is provided by Chen Jiazhe. I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, andcrude oilWe have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as gold and silver. The above technical content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publications, it is for reference only and I bear the risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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