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  goldTechnical analysis
   潘金逸:7.13黄金震荡筑底,美盘继续持多看涨!121 / author:潘金逸 / PostsID:1709809


Specific strategies:

Gold1725Multiple, stop loss1718, Objective1745。

  crude oilMessage surface parsing:
   潘金逸:7.13黄金震荡筑底,美盘继续持多看涨!339 / author:潘金逸 / PostsID:1709809

Short term price trading94.8Area, intraday time correction position at98.2,该位置在今日会存在有效压力。空头当下是事实,不需要质疑和不服。顺势而为。若走弱势确认96.2可能就要直接下去!

  日内策略:98.2Empty, stop loss99.1, Objective93-90.5!


  (1)Lock in position and price difference method: After being covered, it indicates that our judgment direction is wrong. The market and our prices in the opposite direction are moving, and when they rebound or fall to a certain height, it is estimated that they will reach a short-term high. We need to continuously increase the funds in the lock in position to ensure that the lock in position is greater than the position in the lock in position. By using this technique of taking advantage of the situation to increase the price difference earned by locking orders, and finally waiting for the total funds to make up for the loss, completing the removal of the bedding and making a profit, and then selling all of it?

  (2)Bottom adding method: After being covered, one should be patient and dare to lock in the position, because of the characteristics of the product, some prices and bottom signals may appear, especially in large cycles such as the weekly chartKWhen there is a rebound signal or a bottom signal on the line, it will be very stable. As long as there is a bottom signal in the large cycle, it is necessary to boldly unwind, buy continuously on dips, increase positions, and once the large cycle rebounds, it can be resolved.

  (3)Lowering the average price method: After being trapped, if you are trapped at a relatively low point in history, there is no need to worry, as there is bound to be room for rebound. At this time, you need to constantly buy on dips and increase positions to buy on dips15%的空间加仓一次,降低平均的价格,这样等黄金原油产生一波反弹,就可解出局。这种技巧也有人称它为金字塔法。由于笔者李金固不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的详细情况,不好给出相应的解套策略。

  (4)Single stop loss method: When you feel that your direction and trend are wrong and there are really no opportunities left, choose a certain rebound space for single stop loss. The gold market is very large on one side, especially when the opposite direction of high or low orders is trapped, you need to make a decisive single stop loss. Single stop loss is the most effective solution technique, because you can redo the order and ensure the principal.


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