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Dingsheng Jinshi:6.29今日黄金最新走势分析及操作布局

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goldTrend analysis:


  根据小时图结构,原本预期行情回撤至下行通道下沿支撑1805-00区域方才能有止跌动能,但日内下方虽有回撤,低点却在1812一线即有止步,且目前回弹幅度过大,而此回弹动能之所以那么强,与当前市场对美联储主席讲话可能不会那么偏鹰有关,但即便不及预期的偏鹰,黄金在事件前出现回弹,提前透支上涨空间,还是给操作上带来很大的难度和风险。晚间技术上继续关注区间上沿压力1830-33一带,此位也是10日线级别压力,如果消息面确认带来利好,短线行情可能会有延伸,但上方20Daily line1840附近依旧会有强阻压制。晚间下方关注1822-18一带支撑测试,如果美联储主席讲话偏鹰,则行情再度回到此位之下也是大概率事件,届时行情还是有希望再回撤1810、1805-00可能的。


  crude oilTrend analysis:

The author emphasized that this round of rebound in crude oil will inevitably touch112-113At present, the target point has been basically reached in the area. As for why we are bullish, it is very simple. Firstly, in the current trend, there is still a shortage of oil supply, coupled with recentG7The meeting stated that a new round of energy sanctions against Russia will be launched, adding to the already poor supply, so there is no reason for oil prices to continue to decline, at least in the short term. So the current layout strategy will definitely continue to focus on lower levels, but it just needs to be stuck in certain positions108-107There are many areas to go, as there are still some that were not announced last week todayEIAData, we need to be cautious when entering the market, as unusual data may affect the market.


Crude oil operation strategy: suggestions111Long nearby, stop loss110, Objective113-115。


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