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Xiao Yizhou:6.29黄金晚间触底反弹,一路高歌猛进。晚间最新...

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When your talent cannot support your ambition, you need to calm down and learn. When your ability cannot control your goals, you should settle down and experience. Only through learning, trading, and summarizing, can you understand that you are truly not rejected by the market, just unwilling to change in the past. There are two types of investment: physiological investment, which is to solve food and clothing problems, and spiritual investment, which belongs to spiritual investment, It is about realizing the value of life, playing games and races against human greed and fear.

Investment is a long-term strategy, not overnight, so it should not be rushed. Even if you lose money now, there's nothing to be afraid of. As long as you make the right choice, what you lose will come back. For investment friend Xiao Yizhou, who often gets caught in a trap, remember the following5Taboos:1Heavy storage operation.2Without stop loss.3Reverse the trend operation.4Frequent order making.5Poor mentality and easy operation. The above is a summary of my years of experience. If investors have encountered similar problems in the past, please summarize, discover your own shortcomings, and make corrections. In the long run, you will always gain something - share with everyone! 【vx:xyz158986,QQ:467477536】

In fact, for Xiao Yizhou, no matter how much he writes about technology, it's boring that you can't understand it. So every time, Yizhou will give you the simplest and straightforward analysis. It's useless for you to operate profitably, no matter how accurate you are, if you don't implement it, it's just like this in life. Novice is afraid of too big fluctuations in the market, and veteran is afraid of fluctuations in the market. There are no two identical leaves in the world, but there are identical profits, and there are identical operations, Some people make orders in different directions from the same point of view, and the results are definitely completely different. It's not so much this market that torments you, but rather their own lack of cultivation. Don't lose heart, no one is always unlucky, don't be discouraged, no one is smooth sailing, has experienced a bull market, experienced a bear market, accepted a sharp drop, crossed a sharp rise, and nothing can make you stronger than this. Being strong requires accumulation, Profit is also the same. You won't always lose money, and others won't always make money, and I am an important switch for you to turn losses into profits【vx:xyz158986,QQ:467477536】


Xiao Yizhou - The following is for the daygoldcrude oilDaily trend analysis and specific operational strategies

Gold Trend Analysis


  晚间技术上继续关注区间上沿压力1834-36一带,此位也是10日线级别压力,如果消息面确认带来利好,短线行情可能会有延伸,但上方20Daily line1840附近依旧会有强阻压制。晚间下方关注1822-18一带支撑测试,如果美联储主席讲话偏鹰,则行情再度回到此位之下也是大概率事件,届时行情还是有希望再回撤1810、1805-00可能的。鉴于晚间事件影响带有很大的人为因素,且日内行情已经出现透支走势,晚间操作难度和风险加大,故稳健者暂时选择观望为宜。激进则根据基本面实际情况再做进一步的策略调整,大致区间关注1836—1815区间,操作上萧毅舟建议暂时维持区间操作为主;

(Golden Operation Concept) Suggestions1834Near empty, stop loss1839, look at the goal1825;建议1815Long, stop loss1810, look at the goal1825;

Analysis of crude oil trend:


  需要提醒的是,晚间将公布美国截至6month17Day and WeekEIA原油库存变动和美国截至6month24Day and WeekEIA原油库存变动的系列数据,影响可能比较复杂,投资者需要予以关注。重点关注第184sessionOPEC大会和欧洲央行论坛,同时留意俄乌地缘局势和北约峰会的相关消息。

  原油多头依旧我行我素,盘中空头没有太大的作为,虽有回调动作,但是并没有掀起多大的涟漪,就没多头再次拉上轨道。但是50%黄金分割临近,至61.8%黄金分割之间位置需要关注,按照以往经验,前期获利盘在此处率先离场,容易出现此处易出现大量抛压。原油操作建议回落至111.20一线企稳可以买入,风控110.80Below, target112.60-113.20,

Xiao Yizhou believes that how to achieve stable profitability is as follows6Points are important:

① Learn to let funds enter the market in batches. Once a loss occurs during the first market entry, the first principle is not to blindly increase the size. The initial position established has sufficient profit margin before gradually increasing the size.

② When the account is small, try not to make overnight orders. Close the position on the same day of trading, especially on weekends, and do not hold orders for weekends!

③ Try not to exceed each loss5Point: Before placing each order, it is important to achieve precise point positioning and set a stop loss point for oneself(Generally not exceeding5Points)Once it exceeds this range, it indicates either a wrong direction or a poor selection of the order point. Therefore, the initial loss is often the smallest loss, and the correct approach is to quickly recognize the loss.

④ : The daily loss cannot exceed two times: If there are two consecutive losses on each trading day, it indicates poor condition. The correct approach is to stop trading, take a day off, or even3From day to week. Calm down and reflect on where you were wrong?If traders are not stopped, there is a possibility of continuous errors and retaliatory errors in making orders!

⑤ Profit management: Set a practical and feasible profit goal for oneself, and do not aim too high. Small goals are easy to achieve and there is little psychological pressure. Although big goals are admirable, they are difficult to implement and can potentially increase pressure. After each account profit reaches the set goal, funds must be raised to prepare for a second battle in case of unforeseen circumstances!

⑥ A successful trader must be good at financial management. No matter how easy it is to make money, one must save the fruits of every hard work. Understand the principle that cash is king, and always be vigilant against unexpected events that may occur in the market, leading to the consequences of stock outflows!Therefore, it is necessary to prepare oneself for the ability to fight again. 【vx:xyz158986,QQ:467477536】

Yi Zhou has something to say: I write every post in the hope of meeting someone who is destined. I hope to help investors in need, no matter how they first feel. We should give each other a chance to get to know each other. I believe that being able to read so many words is fate. Investment is mostly based on fate. If you believe in fate and believe that I can do something for you with my heart, you can try to communicate with me. I hope friends with teachers can also communicate with me. No one can accompany you to the ends of the earth, perhaps one day you will need me.

Confidence is the guarantee of success, and those who are good at fighting will not be good at it, and those who are good at it will not be good at it. I hope Xiao Yizhou's article can bring you harvest and have a smooth sailing in your future investments. If you have any questions, you can talk to me. I am not only a guidance teacher, but also a friend worth making in your life. Xiao Yizhou captures the ever-changing market with rich experience, precise perspective, and sharp judgment!

——This article is exclusively contributed by Xiao Yizhou. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Online publishing is subject to review, and the intraday market is volatile. The above suggestions are for reference only. To obtain daily real-time strategies and current price lists, you can add Xiao Yizhou【vx:xyz158986,QQ:467477536】

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