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Dingsheng Jinshi:6.22今日黄金走势分析,黄金下行破位,反弹仍...

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Message surface parsing:

  基本面,隔夜的基本面美联储官员表示7Raising interest rates at monthly meetings50Basis points or75个基点是合适的,这让市场紧缩预期增强,今日的基本面是本周的关键,重点关注21:30的美联储主席鲍威尔在参议院银行委员会就半年度货币政策报告做证词陈述。在美国目前通胀如此严重且还是在强势加息的背景下,鲍威尔的言论非常重要。

  goldTechnical analysis:

  技术面上昨日黄金市场延续震荡回落,早盘开盘在1837.6After the position is raised, the market will be given first1843.9The market fell after the position, and the daily line reached its lowest point1828.2After the position was sorted out, the daily line finally closed at1832.9的位置后行情以一根上影线长于下引线的倒锤头阴线形态收线,而这样的形态收尾后,今日的白盘行情延续空,黄金当前是慢节奏的走势,操作上要在关键的压力位置进场,否则来回折磨心态。当前的压力是1836位置,早盘反弹后继续空!慢节奏的行情,保持耐心,震荡越久,爆发力越强,一旦开始新趋势,必是爆发式的破位式的行情!上方1843还是关键的压力,没有突破前,行情不会转多,以高空看跌为主!可在1840-36空附近空

Morning trading strategy

Gold1836Empty, stop loss1843, Objective1820-1810;

  crude oilTrend analysis:

  原油这几个交易日一直在讲在日线上注意反弹修复完成之后的继续下行,在日线走势上目前继续处于震荡跑减弱一些的走势中。在日线走势上连续的小幅反弹基本在技术形态上完成修复,原油具备二次下行的空间。在H4In terms of level trendKThe price has fallen below the short-term moving average and returned to its previous volatile range, with the current trend continuing to be weaker. According to the current trend, crude oil will continue to be weak and see a wave of bearish declines for the time being. It is obvious that the daily line did not continue its strong position after closing at a low level and was suppressed below the unilateral moving average, resulting in a weak performance. If the daily line opens up the Bollinger decline, the downside space will open up. The temporarily predictable points areH4Cycle, the low point of the previous decline is106.3,H4The low point of104.8So, with this as the target for intraday bearish sentiment, pay attention to106.3,104.8The gains and losses. Focus on the high point of short selling with the trend109,110两个点位,预计欧盘反弹有高点,在压制点位表现有效下即可交易,美盘走出顺势空间。操作上鼎盛金师建议原油反弹高空为主;

  (原油操作思路)建议反弹109-109.5Short nearby, stop loss110.2, Objective107-105。

Wen/Ding Sheng Jin Shi, Contributor, Interpreting World Economic Highlights by Myself,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Technical Director Dingsheng Jinshi Online Solution Set,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.!

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