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Guide Metallographer:5.27黄金已到临界点,是涨是跌等待信号

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  美元贬值、美股上涨之际,goldfutures26日游走在涨跌之间,终场以小涨作收。State Street Global Advisors黄金首席策略师George Milling-Stanley提到说,利率上升正在打压金价,但黄金仍有上涨空间,原因是俄乌战争与美国劳动力成本上涨,将造成生活成本居高不下,他预估到今年底以前,美国通胀率会一直保持在5%左右。他说,若5%以上通胀率维持至少一季,黄金通常会有突出表现。

  交易员正在判断美债收益率是否已经触顶,美国10年期国债收益率已从5At the beginning of the month3.12%下降到最近的2.76%。当收益率较低,持有黄金这种不付息资产的机会成本也变低。黄金与白银过往一向被视为市场波动下的资金避风港,但长期观察趋势的分析师发现,这两种贵金属最近的走势反而比较像风险资产。

  美元曾在两周前达到20年新高,但本周到周四为止,美元指数共下跌1.2%。Standard Bank G10货币策略部门主管Steven Barrow等分析师,都预测美元可能开始走软。美元走软,代表以非美元付款的海外投资人,买入黄金的成本较低。

Analysis of the latest market trend of gold:


Early Thursday, Beijing time2Point, Federal ReserveFOMCpublish5Minutes of the monthly monetary policy meeting. Most Federal Reserve officials support raising interest rates in the upcoming meetings50They believe that a significant interest rate hike will provide policy flexibility for later this year, and all officials support the start of a scale reduction plan. This summary is considered to be in line with market expectations and implies flexibility in future interest rate hikes, as officials have raised rates in the first half of this year and next yearPCEInflation expectations, comments suggest that the Federal Reserve will conduct three more rounds50A one basis point interest rate hike will end the 'water harvesting'. 尽管隔夜美联储会议纪要鹰派略微不及预期,在短线给金价提供了一些支撑,但全球央行料将进一步加息,这会增加持有黄金的机会成本,而且美国股市上涨,打压黄金的避险买需。

Technical analysis of gold:

  昨日金价在近期连续四个交易日反弹回升后如期迎来中阴回落调整,全天价格平开低走不断回落下行破底,最终在美盘前后进一步加速向下击穿1850关口支撑延续回落下行走跌,凌晨在会议纪要公布后金价企稳1842关口迎来震荡回升修复,最终收盘位于1850上方报收探底回升长下引阴线,整体价格承压1865-69区域出现压制回落震荡,短线1870将成为近期多头反弹强阻压制区域,且目前价格偏离20日均线较远,还有进一步调整回落预期,今日冲高依托昨日开跌口1853-55区域继续主空下看回落,下方短线支撑继续关注前期4小时起涨点1838一线,日内快速回落下探并企稳此位置可短多一次看震荡回升,日内继续保持反抽主空节奏不变,1860下方依旧压制震荡格局,综上所述:今日操作上指南金师建议反弹高空为主,上方重点关注1860-1865一线压力,下方重点关注1840-1835Frontline support

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