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Guide Metallographer:5.23黄金走势分析,黄金筑底反弹,涨势有望延续

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Monday(5month23day)In stockgold创下近两周新高至1865.33dollar/Ounces, as the US dollar index plummeted nearly1%To a new low in one month102.076Investors have expressed concerns about whether the Federal Reserve can guide the US economy towards a so-called soft landing, and the profit margins of some large companies have been impacted, which is seen as a potential warning for future concerns. The US dollar index has surged since the beginning of this year, and this month it has hit nearly20Annual high105关口,但市场对美联储激进加息的预期已经基本消化,短期内美元下行修正走势可能会进一步扩大,进一步上涨可能会更加艰难。

United States4Monthly inflation rate has increased by more than8%, distance3Exceeding the monthly record40Annual high8.5%Not far. It is expected that the Federal Reserve will6Month and7Continuation at the monthly policy meeting5Monthly policy meeting rhythm - continue to raise interest rates50A basis point, but the US economy unexpectedly contracted in the first quarter1.4%,这引发了投资者对美联储能否引导美国经济实现所谓软着陆的担忧。在全美50个州,汽油平均价格有史以来第一次超过4dollar/加仑。2022year4月食品价格比2021年同期暴涨9.4%, creating41年来之最。随着消费者难以支付食物、燃料和住所等基本生活费用,可自由支配的支出正在减少。,预计联邦基金利率将在明年某个时候升至3.75%,尽管如此,许多消费者更大的担忧可能仍然是高昂的住房成本和汽油价格。“当美联储提高利率以对抗通胀时,通常需要一年到18个月的时间才能看到回报,这期间会给消费者带来更多痛苦,房贷车贷都会上涨。通货膨胀已经升温到现在挤压家庭预算并抹去收入增长的地步。不幸的是,我认为至少在接下来的几个月里,我们将不得不在接受更高利率的同时继续面对高通胀。”对增长放缓的担忧正在蔓延,越来越多的分析师警告说,不仅是滞胀,还有衰退。由于劳动力、材料、能源和运输成本的上升,塔吉特、沃尔玛等公司的利润率受到了冲击,这被视为未来令人担忧的潜在预兆。”

Analysis of the latest trend of gold:

  黄金从技术面来看,黄金上周下探回升收阳,周初下探1786After stabilizing on the first line, it quickly rebounded, and after falling on the second wave of the daily line, it was accompanied by a rebound correction. The weekly harvest yields a central yangKLine. Fifty words on the daily lineKLine sorting, combined with the rebound of the previous day's positive line. The daily line is still in the process of rebound correction, crossKLine start stability10Above the daily line, there is still room for further upward rebound in the short term, while the daily line shows a continuous positive rebound performance. Breaking the previous extremely weak decline, we still need to pay attention to the direction selection after the rebound this week. Whether to continue the decline after the rebound correction or form a reversal remains to be determined.4The hour chart undergoes a small level of two wave rebound, with1786Make a wave of rebound to1836Afterwards, step back1807.Pushing the second wave up again, of course, is a small-scale rebound wave shape, and the current space is not yet certain whether it is a reversal of the rise. Currently, the second wave rebound is continuing. The short-term moving average turns upwards to form temporary support.1Hour chart surrounding270单位均线反复。目前处于整理突破大均线当中。站稳之后,小时图会走出一波多头发散式的反弹向上。反弹的过程中遇阻力也会承压回落,整体节奏还是震荡式的。反弹的空间由形态来决定大小。综上所述,黄金今日操作思路上指南金师建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方重点关注1870-1875Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1850-1845Frontline support.

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