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  1.First touch above1860-1855短线空,到1865上方出,看1835-1833, take a break to see1813.

  2.下方首次触及1791-1793短线多,到1786下方出,看1813-1815, take a break to see1835.

  crude oilMarket trend analysis:


  昨日原油开盘反弹110.5附近受阻,油价探底回升,日线收录一根阳线锤头线,油价在一波强势破高延续短线上涨,昨日回踩后守住10单位均线再次放量。目前短线走得较为强势,不过摸高之后仍要考验前期高点115.6区域的防守,有进一步突破的势头,有待确认,不过目前考虑到小周期走得偏强,暂时也不宜过早猜顶,先顺势看多,综上所述鼎盛金师总结:原油再次探底回升,结合日线级别大阳线影响,暂定看涨原油今日操作上考虑回撤布局多单策略,高空辅助,上方关注112.3-113.3USD resistance, follow below105.6USD support.


1、 Be cautious when entering the market

The transparency of information in the gold trading market is high, and there is little possibility of long-term manipulation of market prices.

  多数个人投资朋友由于条件所限,不可能获悉全部的市场信息,也不可能24Keep an eye on changes in the market. So the losses caused by real trading often have the characteristic of a blunt knife cutting the flesh, and once trapped, it will be difficult to extricate oneself.


2、 Take it as soon as you feel good

Many investors always hope to become masters of buying at the bottom and selling at the top in real trading, making every order very beautiful, which is not advisable.

An ordinary gold trading investor, without systematic training and insufficient resources, is unable to fully grasp the changes in the market. They only have a basic knowledge of the gold market and chart analysis methods, and blindly pursue beautiful orders. The probability of loss is much greater than profit, and they lose the essence of gold investment with profit as the purpose.

Rather than pursuing to become a master, it's better to complete every transaction with confidence. You should know that in market trading, only money ultimately falls into your own pocket.




Losing money indicates that one's analysis and judgment are wrong. When facing a loss on a certificate of deposit, the first thing to do is to stabilize one's emotions, clarify one's thoughts, and analyze where one went wrong. Losing money itself has already reduced one's courage, lost confidence in one's decision-making ability, and the urgent need for profit has made one blind and not calm. In this situation, the mentality of gambling will increase, and the likelihood of making another mistake will further increase. The consequences will be more dangerous, and one must avoid getting deeper and deeper. Avoid greed and panic.




  — This article is contributed by Ding Sheng Jin Shi.

My Interpretation of World Economic News,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Technical Director Dingsheng Jinshi Online Solution Set,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.!

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