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Yu Yue on Jin:5.21黄金下周行情还会跌吗?黄金实时操作建议...

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 goldNext week's market analysis:

Analysis of Gold News: Friday(5month20day),国际金价创六个交易日新高至1849.30dollar/盎司,延续隔夜反弹势头,美元指数料进一步远离上周创下的逾21Annual high105.02,市场对美国经济增长前景的担忧加剧。主席鲍威尔本周公开承认,随着央行全力狙击通胀,“痛苦”可能是不可避免的。美指隔夜刷新5month5Since the low point of the day102.65。有调查发现,美联储将在今年年底前将利率提高到高于一个月前的预期,从而使本已重大的经济衰退风险继续存在,尽管美联储激进的加息路径和量化紧缩利好美元。黄金作为通胀对冲工具的作用,正被各国央行为抗击金价飙升而采取的激进政策立场所抵消。当利率上升时,非孽息黄金往往会失去投资者的青睐。美联储主席鲍威尔本周承诺,美联储将尽可能提高利率,以对抗灼热的通胀。澳新银行(ANZ)分析师在一份报告中写道:“不断上升的通胀未能给市场留下深刻印象,反而引发了市场对央行采取更鹰派立场的担忧。”但澳新银行补充称,在持续通胀和地缘政治风险加剧的推动下,对全球经济增长的担忧应会在一定程度上保护金价。

  黄金技术面分析:黄金昨日低位反弹收阳,最低回踩1811一线启稳整理,欧盘一波放量打开局面,站上1828上轨之上,美盘延续强势冲高,消息方面:国疲弱的就业数据加剧了人们对经济的担忧,美元和美债收益率下滑,增强了黄金的避险吸引力。助推黄金冲高至1849dollar|盎司高位,尾盘收盘在1842.日线收盘大阳K线。经过周初的下探回升,周中整理之后,昨日走出一波放量反弹,也是小级别的二浪反弹修正。日线大阳线收在10日线上方。今日周线收官,由于K线形态形成阳吞阴高点,短线步入震荡。可能还会延续一波反弹,但也是震荡式的,一步一回头。10日线破位由阻力转换成支撑在1832-1833,4小时一波三连阳上升顶开布林道上轨,同时突破了下行通道的趋势线阻力,今日开盘在趋势线附近震荡。从收盘的位置来看,有效突破,打破了弱势下跌通道,4小时看反弹。1小时图依托1786Make a wave of rebound to1836承压回踩1807启稳后,昨日突破1836开启了二浪的反弹。目前处于二浪反弹当中,空间上得到了释放,今日可能再惯性的延续,但持续性是一个问题,反弹遇到阻力也会进行回踩确认,日内短线思路当作震荡对待。综上所述,黄金下周操作思路上建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方重点关注1855-1860Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1832-1827Frontline support.

Petroleum Technology Analysis

The oil delivery period is approaching, and the bulls are intentionally luring the bulls up. Now the technical test116reach118Pressure, this is consistent with previous analysis. In the end, the United States banned oil imports, and the maximum benefits did not break through130It indicates that stress manifests when things reach their extreme. Rebound and continue to short to meet the second gap92Area, in other words116Give you a light warehouse without hesitation, even if it's empty1Ten thousand dollars0.1The layout is also acceptable, and the total warehouse should not exceed0.3Then wait for the market news to ease, or the bulls will experience a final crazy flash crash, following the bearish trend40The same trend, now accelerating to catch up with the top, what you need to do is not to chase too much and prevent a sudden start to fall. radical111.8Participated in the empty space nearby, encountered again in the stable midline106.8Near the area, the central line has been opened for short selling, after all, the pressure is gradually moving downwards, and the following is running92Go. First encounter92reach90Multiple regional options.

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