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Old Meng Reading Gold:5.20黄金欧盘独家操作策略布局,原油行情走势...

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The investment market does not simply move in the expected direction, and the path to success is always winding. Once it turns around, it will lose direction and enter a cycle, and the market will also be the same. The trend is certain, but it will never simply continue to move in the predetermined direction. During this period, there will be twists and turns that will shake people's hearts. At this time, it is necessary to have a good attitude to face it and not be affected by short-term trends, This is why we have always been steadfast in laying out our bands in the early stage, which is the reason for successful profits. We must keep our original intention and always strive to invest in the market. We need perseverance and determination before we can reap profits! Free and open access to team technical guidance group

Only by continuously improving our cognition can we reap more!

Investment itself has no risk, only out of control investments have risk

  goldLatest market analysis:

In terms of message aspect:

  黄金方面,黄金在周四欧美盘以1810支撑单边上涨,确认了昨天以1810为支撑看涨思路,站稳1830上方,日线大阳,日线布林带收口,也确认了昨天说的,近期黄金有反弹调整信号,所以今天黄金大思路以1830为支撑继续看反弹调整,上方预计在日线布林带中轨1857附近。黄金周四尾盘高位震荡,早间开盘震荡走弱,小时周期连阴,典型的震荡回落走势,所以今天亚欧盘短线先顺势看回落,可以说是目前技术面的结果,也可以说是对昨天欧美盘单边上涨的调整,下方看1830支撑,防守放在4Hourly Bollinger Belt Mid Track1824,依旧是等欧盘确认支撑,再做多,上方目标看1857附近即可。总结:日内思路先空后多,下方1830支撑,上方看1858,整体趋势维持反弹调整的走势,短空跟进,多为主。

  crude oil方面,原油月线中长线遭遇2018year7月高位以来的一条下行趋势线的压力,3月油价曾短暂突破该趋势线,不过最终K线实体回退到趋势线下方。长期趋势线的压力不容小觑,油价可能面临去年4月触底反弹以来最大的压力,后市可能遭遇更大幅度的回调。日线震荡;MACD金叉信号减弱,KDJ有死叉趋势,油价震荡上涨后在近逾一个半月高位附近出现“黄昏之星”顶部信号,但前期不是单边上涨行情,信号有效性还不是很强,短线走势变数较大。下方初步支撑在10Daily moving average110Nearby, if the support is lost, increase the short-term bearish signal and strengthen the support55Daily moving average106附近,若回落至该位置下方,则增加中线看空信号,上方留意布林线上轨113附近阻力,若能顶破该阻力,则增加后市看涨信号,本周高点阻力在115Nearby,3month24Resistance to daily highs116附近。综合来看:原油今日短期操作思路上老孟读金建议以反弹高空为主,回踩低多为辅,上方短期关注112.1-112.6Frontline resistance, short-term focus below106.0-105.5Frontline support.

The above article was read by Lao MengLM11805compose

I don't know what kind of dream you have in the investment market, and I don't care how much you put in for this dream and how much disappointment you have. But if you always carry this dream, you can definitely achieve it! The process of realizing your dreams is very difficult and not easy. In the process of striving for your dreams, you will suffer repeated disappointments, failures, and endless pain. For those who have experienced hardships, please do not give up on your dreams. Painful times will always pass, and success will truly happen to you. On the investment road, the teacher is willing to become a bright light, guiding you forward. Even if there are more challenges, I will accompany you to complete them together.

(Note: The above article was written by the Laomeng Reading Gold team. If reprinted, please indicate the source. It is a warm reminder that there are risks in investment and caution should be taken when entering the market. The article has a lag, and due to differences in platform locations and delays in online publishing, the above analysis does not provide specific entry points. The operational suggestions are for reference only. Please do your own risk control.)

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