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Xiao Yizhou:5.20Analysis of the latest trend and operational strategies of gold in the morning.

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  很多同学问毅舟说:老师你的策略 文章为什么总是一样?个人认为文章写得再好 No matter how much you send, there is no practical action to make it practical Prove everything with action 用实力来打到一切质疑,免费进现价喊单群 群截图有理有据欢迎质疑的同学来证实,我们团队的实力欢迎各位同学前来体验考察。

  免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536


  1Without the guidance of the teacher, I looked around for group orders and small cycles, chasing back and forth, and losing back and forth.
  2I have strong opinions and never trust anyone alone. I rely on the analysis of various teachers and make my own comprehensive orders. What I saw right, I didn't enter the arena because I didn't have confidence, and what I saw wrong, I did it. I lost and felt extremely unhappy, feeling like the sky and the earth were dark.
  3Under the guidance of a teacher, always placing heavy orders and always looking backwards.
  4When you look right, earn a little money and you'll get out. When you look wrong, you'll set or lock orders, and always end up cutting at the lowest point or cutting all the links between heaven and earth.
  5The volatile market is doing well, but one day after heavy positions were chased back and forth, I developed a sense of fear towards the market and felt that every day was unilateral and I didn't dare to make orders, but in reality, every day was volatile

      免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536

First of all, why do we set orders?Yizhou believes that there are two reasons for hedging:

1: Wrong grasp of market trends and reversal of direction
2: Failure to implement strict stop loss measures and unauthorized adjustment of stop loss positions

    免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536​


  4小时一波三连阳上升顶开布林道上轨,同时突破了下行通道的趋势线阻力,今日开盘在趋势线附近震荡。从收盘的位置来看,有效突破,打破了弱势下跌通道。4小时看反弹。1小时图依托1786Make a wave of rebound to1836承压回踩1807启稳后,昨日突破1836开启了二浪的反弹。目前处于二浪反弹当中。空间上得到了释放,今日可能再惯性的延续,但持续性是一个问题,反弹遇到阻力也会进行回踩确认。日内短线思路当作震荡对待。高空低多,先回踩靠近1835-1833一带可先行短多。美盘放量后再择阻力反手空。

  crude oilRelated information:


Analysis of International Crude Oil Trends:

  昨日原油开盘反弹110.8附近受阻,回落下探105Nearby, explore on the rebound112.6Nearby, closing111.6附近,油价探底回升,日线收录一根阳线锤头线,油价在一波强势破高延续短线上涨,昨日回踩后守住10单位均线再次放量。目前短线走得较为强势,不过摸高之后仍要考验前期高点115.6区域的防守,有进一步突破的势头,有待确认,不过目前考虑到小周期走得偏强,暂时也不宜过早猜顶,先顺势看多,综上所述萧毅舟总结:原油再次探底回升,结合日线级别大阳线影响,暂定看涨原油今日操作上考虑回撤布局多单策略,高空辅助,上方关注112.3-113.3USD resistance, follow below107.5-106.6USD support.

  免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536

  萧毅舟寄语:交易看起来确实简单,表面上,它不需要你风吹雨淋、低三下四的应酬,不用溜须拍马,不用拼酒伤胃,不用忍气吞声,只需要在键盘上,敲动几个按钮“买”、“卖”,一笔生意马上就达成,钱迅速到账,还不欠账,利润到手,多轻松。可是,等到交易做了一段时间,渐渐发现:市场老跟自己过不去,买了就跌,卖了就涨,自己成了反向指标,怎么做都亏,怎么努力,怎么拼搏,尝试了各种方法,仍然无法摆脱亏损的泥潭,发现交易如此之艰难。而这个时候,你可以选择观察一下我们群内的操作,实时公开、公明、公平的现价喊单以群内交流的方式呈现,群里面有五胡四海的投资朋友可以相互学习交流,这样能更好的去学习,愿今日有我的存在,你交易不在迷茫!如果你对行情失望 I show you hope!

  免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536

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  详细操作建议咨询萧毅舟老师获取实时策略、黄金解套、免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536 

  免费进群体验及解套指导微信;xyz158986  QQ:467477536

Confidence is the guarantee of success, and those who are good at fighting will not be good at it, and those who are good at it will not be good at it. I hope Xiao Yizhou's article can bring you harvest and have a smooth sailing in your future investments. If you have any questions, you can talk to me. I am not only a guidance teacher, but also a friend worth making in your life. Xiao Yizhou captures the ever-changing market with rich experience, precise perspective, and sharp judgment!

——This article is exclusively contributed by Xiao Yizhou. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Online publishing is subject to review, and the intraday market is volatile. The above suggestions are for reference only.

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