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Original gold oil:5.20黄金来回震荡如何操作,黄金原油最新操作策略

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  5.20goldTrend analysis

  黄金日内先窄幅碎步式震荡回修,下方仅回撤至1810一线,比预期回撤低点要高一些,这也表明当前市场对于黄金还是抱有看涨预期的。欧盘时段受美元再度下跌影响,黄金出现一波回弹,冲破1825短压,目前高点测压至1850一线。黄金美盘时段争气打破了弱势谣言接连上破高点来到1850区域震荡,因为很明显的可以从4小时图中在1807区域形成新支撑带,而且美联储并没有再度释放鹰派言论,所以接下来会去测试强调的目标1856,但是今天的概率较小,因上方即将触及第一道压制,所以建议大家可现价1848短空一次看回调后在多不迟,目标1825-1820附近。【原金油免费指导VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】


  1Gold advice1848Participated empty, stop loss1854, look at the goal1835-30;

  2Gold advice1830Multiple participation, stop loss1825, look at the goal1850-50;

[Original Gold Oil Free Guidance]VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】


Silver's recent highest impact26The checkpoint has significantly declined, and due to the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, the daily line has experienced ten consecutive negative declines, and has successfully opened up the downward trajectory space for Bollinger,MA5—MA10The moving average maintains a dead fork downward suppression,MACDIt is also a continuation of the green column's ability to measure. In terms of the monthly line, it also rose and fell, ending in a big negative trend, laying the foundation for the decline in May; At present, silver has fallen below21.5Front low position, refresh low point to20.5The position and bearish trend are clear at a glance. Today and Friday are expected to see a rebound and recovery for technical repair, after all, from a high double peak to the current20The gate has already fallen completely6美金了,日线和周线都处于严重超卖区,原金油觉得可以在20.5Nearby layouts are mostly focused on technical rebound fixes, but the current trend is still bearish, rebound21.5空才是顺势而为。【原金油免费指导VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】


  5.20crude oilMarket trend analysis:

[Original Gold Oil Free Guidance]VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】

  原油技术面分析:原油周线上周收报一根较长下影十字线,而本周一直接续涨,这样的上拉往往动能不足,容易掉下来,周二和周三坚持以高空思路对待,多次挂空都差一点距离未打进去,昨晚EIA库存数据公布利多无法上冲,和预想一致,果断112.3追空,最低下跌至107.5,一波500点利润空间,一个晚上就可以得到,这就是原油的刺激感,但风控一定要做好;今日早盘提示110.5处存在短期,它是隔夜跌幅反抽382分割压力,大幅下跌走弱后,一般382会首当其冲一次,接下来欧盘就看能否破位今日早盘107.5低点,一旦失守,下方支撑就关注105-104.8(618分割位置),会有一定买盘支撑,稳定可考虑反手短多,但最终拉升一波后,还会掉头向下,去试探近期慢反复上行通道的下轨位置100.5处,也是波段空的最终落点,同时具备反手波段多的条件,因此,短期阻力110.5and112Short term support107.5、105, strong support100.5,这几个都是后续的关键所在。综合来看,原油今日操作上原金油建议以反弹做空为主,回踩低多为辅,上方短期关注110-111Frontline resistance, short-term focus below104-105Frontline support. [Original Gold Oil Free Guidance]VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】

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