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Guo Shengshan:5.18黄金多空如何抉择?原油布局策略附解套

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Don't let emotions affect the operation in trading

  goldMessage surface:

Wednesday(5month18day),国际金价继续承压,因美元小幅回升,利空美元计价的黄金。同时美债收益率坚挺,美联储主席鲍威尔称,只要通胀不低头,美联储面对加息不会退缩。美联储有望在6Month and7月会议上各加息50个基点,延续5月份的加息节奏。美联储主席鲍威尔周二(5month17day)承诺,美联储将把利率提高到所需的最高水平,以遏制通胀飙升。他还说,高通胀已经威胁到经济(可持续增长的)基础。鲍威尔表示,在不出现全面衰退的情况下,物价上涨态势有缓解的途径。但他承认,控制通胀可能导致经济增长放缓或失业率上升进而带来痛苦。

Gold technology:

Gold opened today at1814.84dollar/盎司,开盘后金价出现了先涨后跌走势,地点触及1807水平企稳上涨,最高点触及1817.13美元徘徊。日线级别收录一根阴线锤头线,地位上涨调整,当前日线指标macd死叉放量震荡,灵动指标sto向上勾头,代表日线还是属于震荡偏弱阶段。而蜡烛图是沿着均线MA5andMA10进行的下跌,当前两均线分别对应*stay1828and1836一线,这是日内两个做空点。4小时震荡并很有可能下跌至底部后反弹。而目前4小时下方抛物转向点支撑1807一线,其次是下轨1800-01附近支撑。综上所述中总结:黄金在前期1786一线企稳上涨的推动,金价调整在1807一线有望已经完结,后市1807上方有看涨预期,今日操作上老孟读金考虑回车布局多单为主,上方关注1828-1836, take a break to see1857USD, below support attention1810-1807,意外下破就会转弱,进一步考验前低。

  crude oilTrend analysis:

  5month18日亚洲时段,美油承压于114dollar/桶回落;油价周二盘中一度刷新3month9New high in recent days115.56后回落,消息人士称,美国政府最快将于周二授权美国石油公司雪佛龙与委内瑞拉总统马杜罗政府进行磋商,暂时解除对此类磋商的禁令。在此之前,布伦特原油触及115.69USD, this is3month28日以来的最高水平。美国原油触及每桶115.56USD, for3month24日以来最高。有消息称,美国将放松对委内瑞拉政府的一些限制,委内瑞拉原油供应或增加的预期拖累油价,油价短线或震荡偏空。



  1Long term unwinding. Investors who have identified a major trend (such as a bullish market) and placed their orders in a minor trend (a downward trend in the market) can first stop losing and then enter at a lower price to earn a price difference. This can also earn profits from the major trend and reduce the risk of short positions caused by the minor trend.

  2Short term unlocking. If investors make a complete mistake in their judgment of the market, they should decisively close their positions to avoid further unilateral price fluctuations and suffering greater losses.The longer short-term investors hold in a unilateral market, the greater the losses they will incur.

  3Light position unwinding (also applicable to investors with large funds). That is, as the decline in the price increases, it increases the buying price and uses idle funds to lower costs, waiting for the price to rebound. Its advantage is that no matter how deep it is nested, as long as it is operated properly, it can be unlocked once there is a rebound.

  4, band unpacking. This method is suitable for various market stages of hedging, especially for volatile markets, mainly relying on the fluctuation of stock prices and utilizing the fluctuation price difference to unwind. The concept of this method is to buy low and sell high, sell high and buy low, gradually reducing costs and reducing losses. Its advantage lies in the variety of operating techniques, which are not limited to a single pattern, actively attacking, and if operated properly, the release speed is fast. The disadvantage lies in the high demand for personal time, energy, and ability, frequent operation with certain cost pressure, and improper operation can easily cause greater losses. We need professional knowledge and guidance with time, energy, and skills.

Author/Guo Sheng Shirt

My Interpretation of World Economic News,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Guo Shengshan, Technical Director, provides an online solution,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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