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Guo Shengshan:5.17Today's GoldV型反转,原油操作建议

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Change to seize the opportunity, move to win the world, have a keen eye on the market, be intelligent and take your own steps, mountains do not turn, rivers do not turn, roads do not change, crises are not scary, just afraid that there will be no change. Any reform is a self revolution, and any transformation is a painful transformation. However, any market change is forever unchanged. When one looks down, they think they see the sky, but when they look up, they realize that there is a different world. The only way out is to go out. Today's positioning determines tomorrow's position, and today's pattern will affect tomorrow's outcome.






  crude oilTechnical analysis:

  原油上周五强势上涨收高,回测106.30一线启稳后一路强势上涨逼近前期高点,本周开盘跳空高开再创新低,周线收盘强势收复,将周初下跌失地尽数收回且创出新高点,从周线的收盘情况来看,本轮的回调每次都是点到中轨即止,中轨也成为了周线的多头防守关键点,失守中轨才能中期向下调整,反之守住还将继续维持在高位整理反复摸高。日线一波连阳式强势收复失地,重新从下轨回到了上轨,目前上轨轻微张口。使得空间有向上延续的可能,但也不排除回归区间拉锯。4小时宽基数拉锯震荡,下跌快收复也快。从目前的结构来看,短期站上均线上方且均线指标拐头向上形成支撑,同时也上破了此前的高点。短线有进一步延续之势,但上行空间也是边走边看。由于反复拉锯的空间结构频率较多,本周也不排除冲高回落再进行回撤,操作上需要结合形态灵活应对。综上所述,今日原油操作思路上郭晟衫建议以回踩做多为主,反弹高空为辅,短期上方重点关注116.0-116.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below110.5-110.0Frontline support.

——This article is submitted by Guo Shengshan.

My Interpretation of World Economic News,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Guo Shengshan, Technical Director, provides an online solution,Loss recovery,Due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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