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5.17NoongoldTrend analysis

Tuesday(5month17day)亚市早盘,黄金价格反弹爬回1829美元,周一(5month16day)Spot gold once fell close1.4%, creating1month31Recently, it has reached a new low1786.70dollar/盎司,美联储官员此前给出考虑进一步加快升息的时间段。但金价跌势不顺,回补日内过半数跌幅,投资者担心美联储对抗通胀而采取的更激进的货币政策措施,可能会打击经济增长。凌晨时段黄金短线拉升突破1820, highest touch1826美元。美元指数在上周升至2002year12New high since mid month105.01,利空以美元计价的黄金。因市场预计,美联储将以更快的速度收紧货币政策,以遏制不断飙升的通胀。美元指数在105附近遇到了初步阻力。虽然美联储积极收紧货币政策以及劳动力市场稳健给美元带来利好,但不利的因素是,美国经济面临“硬着陆”的风险也开始蔓延。在普遍避险的大环境下,黄金空头杀跌不会一帆风顺,至少目前如此。


Technical analysis of gold:

  回顾日内黄金走势,在美元没有太大波动,消息面也相对平和的情况下,日内黄金出现如此诡异走势还是很反常的,这样的走势也充分说明当前行情的情绪化风险,虽然下方1786属于短线低点连线的趋势线,但如此异动状态也并非严格意义上遵照技术需要的。4小时图上原本预期行情可能会承压1818-20Conduct a pullback1810-07Regional decline stopped and completed a three band downward revision for a small cycle, but gold has already fallen below1800The low point dropped to1786Nearby, it belongs to a serious oversold, with obvious signs of short selling, and the evening US market also perfectly met expectations. Slowly rising all the way and directly breaking through to1820frontline!

  1Hour cycle at periodic bottom1786附近收穿刺形态后,后续录得一系列的纺锤线和实线震荡上行再次进入1806-1818箱体震荡区间,昨日美盘我们也给出了行情处于箱体震荡中的破低反涨形态的分析,午夜行情如期拉升破位窄幅震荡1806-1818区间顶部。根据箱体震荡理论,破位后上行幅度即为震荡幅度,即理论顶部位于1830附近!同时1830为前市多空转换较为频繁的点位,目前仍可视为短线阻力,昨天白天日内黄金高位回落最低跌至1786区域,而后探底回升截止到美盘开盘后1809区域,反弹力度还算比较强势的没想到形成一个小单边V反,最高触及1829区域!那么今天的思路就是比较简单了,目前已经到达阻力区域接近1830的位置了!那么今天的思路还是先早盘先空,今日黄金下方关注1815Short term support, the main support still depends on the low trend line connection1800-10Area, on the Golden Station early this morning1820Above, continue testing1830-35区域测试;

  操作上,今日主思路依旧保留择低布局多单思路,鉴于日内行情波动异常状态,务必做好仓位管理,尽可能的择低点参与,而至于空单,则不再考虑参与,因为目前美指回修迹象还是很重的,则黄金空单风险是远大于多单的,顺势而为,今日操作上低多为主!上方重点关注1830-1820Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1780-1786Frontline support.

Golden Strategy:


  2Suggest a fallback1815Multiple, stop loss1808, Objective1830-1840;(投资有风险,入市需谨慎。以上仅代表鼎盛个人观点,不作操作依据,据此操作风险自担,具体临盘灵活应对。行情风险大,请轻仓严损!)

  crude oilTrend analysis:

  5month17日亚洲时段,美油徘徊于114dollar/Near the barrel; Meiyou rose by more than3%Touched at one point in the session3month10New high in recent days114.90dollar/Barrel, due to tight global oil supply, the market is concerned about summer supply. American gasolinefuturesFor the first time in history, it exceeded the limit per gallon4美元,全国平均汽油零售价格升至记录新高;日内关注APIdata

  原油日线连续四个交易日收阳,目前短线走得较为强势,昨日凌晨横盘,这种形态在强势中就是直接发力。而横盘位往往是起涨点。所以原油也是如此,要么113.6-70多,要么就不操作,损112, Objective116upper.

  — This article is contributed by Ding Sheng Jin Shi.

My Interpretation of World Economic News,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Technical Director Dingsheng Jinshi Online Solution Set,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.!

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