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  goldNext week's market analysis:

Analysis of Gold News: Friday(5month13day)Asian morning trading, spot gold15Minute decline10USD, approaching1810dollar/Ounces. Data display,COMEXMost Active GoldfuturesContract Beijing Time5month13day06:27Instant trading within one minute2310Hand, total value of trading contracts4.20USD100mn As the Federal Reserve6The possibility of a significant interest rate hike at the monthly meeting continues to increase, and the price of gold continues to decline. Selling momentum is expected to drag gold prices closer1800.00The psychological support of the US dollar. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell reiterated on Thursday that raising interest rates by half a percentage point at the next two meetings may be a suitable move, but the central bank is ready to change its path at any time based on the data received. Powell was asked in an interview if he has ruled out raising interest rates75At a time of basis points, he reiterated that he was5month4The statement at the Diary Meeting: "If the economic performance matches expectations, then interest rates will be raised again in the next two meetings."50A basis point would be appropriate. Overall; The US dollar index expanded its gains on Thursday, hitting a new record20A new high in the year. The rise of the US dollar has put pressure on gold priced in US dollars.

  黄金技术面分析:从黄金日线图看,昨日金价技术面整体延续空头弱势下行走势,价格在亚欧盘快速回落破底1870关口不断走弱,欧盘小幅反抽触及1872一线再度承压回落延续弱势下行震荡,晚间价格加速下破1860Arrival at the checkpoint1855关口附近震荡企稳回升,最终价格强势反抽至1870上方二次承压回落走跌,凌晨进一步下行破位1855Arrival at the checkpoint1851关口附近报收弱势破位中阴,整体价格延续近期空头极弱下行走势,日线级别跌破5日均线支撑再度走极弱,今日借助反抽继续主空顺势下看破底,上方压力关注昨日凌晨小时线开跌口1866-1870区域,日内冲高承压此位置继续主空下看回落。

Gold4小时级别震荡;留意布林线轨道1852-1900Regional breakthroughs; at presentKDJ向下发散,MACD初步死叉,留意1850附近支撑,如果失守该位置,则短线偏向再度跌向布林线下轨1840附近,能否进一步下破,还有待观察。MA5—MA10均线维持死叉下行态势,布林带下轨依然向下开口运行,下方还有一定的下行空间。空头趋势还是非常明确的,现在黄金跌至1850大关,从反弹力度来看很弱,按照预期1850是要跌破的,操作上反弹就是空一条路。亚欧盘关注1866压力与1870防守,看给不给机会,预期亚欧盘会先有反弹。下方目标位继续看破底,前期低点1850关口有望近期迎来空头加速下破,短线多单一律不参与,继续保持反抽主空顺势下看为主,反抽顺势空依旧是主基调,综合来看,黄金下周短线操作上鼎盛金师建议以反弹高空为主,回调做多为辅,上方短期关注1825-1830Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1800-1795Frontline support.

  crude oilNext week's market analysis:

Analysis of crude oil message surface:5month13During the Japanese Asian period, the US oil company is currently reporting106.81dollar/Barrel; Oil prices rose nearly on Thursday1%International Energy Agency(IEA)Emphasizing the tense global fuel inventory situation, the EU hinted that member states may not be able to reach an agreement on Russia's oil ban, limiting oil price increases; International Energy Agency(IEA)It was said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine conflict caused a decrease in Russian production, which would not lead to a shortage of oil in the world, because the supply in other places increased, while epidemic prevention and control curbed demand.IEAIn its monthly oil report, it was stated that "over time, the Middle EastOPEC+The steady increase in production with the United States, coupled with a slowdown in demand growth, is expected to offset the severe supply shortage caused by the worsening supply interruption situation in Russia. The slowdown in oil exports and the decrease in domestic demand after sanctions mean that approximately10010000 barrels/Russian oil has been shut down in JapanIEALast month's forecast was missing about5010000 barrels/Day.IEABelieving that this number is5The month will rise to16010000 barrels/Day, and then on6Monthly rise to20010000 barrels/If sanctions prevent further purchases or expansion, then7Starting from the month, it will rise to near30010000 barrels/Day. Overall, the tight global fuel inventory is good for oil prices. Although the European Union may postpone the ban on Russian oil imports, it is necessary to be vigilant about the risk of rising geopolitical tensions and news related to various rare viruses.

Technical analysis of crude oil: Crude oil experienced a downward trend yesterday, rebounded and closed higher, recovering from the previous day's decline and losing ground, while also reaching a high point and exiting a small cycleVType reversal, strong recovery104.10After the high point, the weak downward pattern was broken. Bounce highest touch106.40.Returning to the high range and sawing. Breaking through yesterday104.0Afterwards, perform one more backhand short shot to complete the bag placement in the pan, with frequent switching between local long and empty positions. Accompanied by a wide base saw, the daily high sun rises and swallows up the small yinKThe short-term and short-term fluctuations have returned to the range, and the continuity of the two yin and one yang is insufficient. It has not yet left the unilateral trend.4小时图一波低位连阳收复近半失地。下跌快收复也快,拉锯震荡的节奏。多空反转快,要关键临界点的得失。一旦失守强弱临界点,就会改变即定的节奏,日线布林道继续收口当中,短期还将维持宽幅区间内震荡。综合来看,原油下周短线操作思路鼎盛金师建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注112.5-113.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below107.2-106.7Frontline support.








  在行情突破盘局以后,市场都会选择一个方向,在单边行情形成以后,顺势做单是千古不变的真理。在每一次的回调或反弹中,都是进单的机会,是稳定获利的最佳保障!这里给大家说说运用的技术指标为:KLine, moving average,BOLL,趋势线!要求能熟练了掌握以上指标。




  当行情经过一波大幅上涨或下跌以后,会出现短暂回调或反弹的走势,抓住这样的机会,是我们稳定获利最轻松,最简单的方法。主要的运用指标为KThe line shape requires a very good sense of direction and the ability to accurately determine the high or low points of the stage.



       — This article is contributed by Ding Sheng Jin Shi.

My Interpretation of World Economic News,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Technical Director Dingsheng Jinshi Online Solution Set,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.!

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