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Yu Yue on Jin:5.14黄金下周会涨吗?黄金最新行情趋势解套建议

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  goldNext week's market analysis:

  黄金技术面分析:从黄金日线图看,昨日金价技术面整体延续空头弱势下行走势,价格在亚欧盘快速回落破底1870关口不断走弱,欧盘小幅反抽触及1872一线再度承压回落延续弱势下行震荡,晚间价格加速下破1860Arrival at the checkpoint1855关口附近震荡企稳回升,最终价格强势反抽至1870上方二次承压回落走跌,凌晨进一步下行破位1855Arrival at the checkpoint1851关口附近报收弱势破位中阴,整体价格延续近期空头极弱下行走势,日线级别跌破5日均线支撑再度走极弱,今日借助反抽继续主空顺势下看破底,上方压力关注昨日凌晨小时线开跌口1866-1870区域,日内冲高承压此位置继续主空下看回落。

Gold4小时级别震荡;留意布林线轨道1852-1900Regional breakthroughs; at presentKDJ向下发散,MACD初步死叉,留意1850附近支撑,如果失守该位置,则短线偏向再度跌向布林线下轨1840附近,能否进一步下破,还有待观察。MA5—MA10均线维持死叉下行态势,布林带下轨依然向下开口运行,下方还有一定的下行空间。空头趋势还是非常明确的,现在黄金跌至1850大关,从反弹力度来看很弱,按照预期1850是要跌破的,操作上反弹就是空一条路。亚欧盘关注1866压力与1870防守,看给不给机会,预期亚欧盘会先有反弹。下方目标位继续看破底,前期低点1850关口有望近期迎来空头加速下破,短线多单一律不参与,继续保持反抽主空顺势下看为主,反抽顺势空依旧是主基调,综合来看,黄金下周短线操作上建议以反弹高空为主,回调做多为辅,上方短期关注1825-1830Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1800-1795Frontline support.

Analysis of silver market trend:

Silver's recent highest impact26The checkpoint has significantly declined, and due to the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, the daily line has experienced ten consecutive negative declines, and has successfully opened up the downward trajectory space for Bollinger,MA5—MA10The moving average maintains a dead fork downward suppression,MACDIt is also a continuation of the green column's ability to measure. In terms of the monthly line, it also rose and fell, ending in a big negative trend, laying the foundation for the decline in May; At present, silver has fallen below21.5Front low position, refresh low point to20.5The position and bearish trend are clear at a glance. Today and Friday are expected to see a rebound and recovery for technical repair, after all, from a high double peak to the current20The gate has already fallen completely6It's already in the US dollar, and both the daily and weekly lines are in severe oversold areas. Personally, I think we can20.5Nearby layouts are mostly focused on technical rebound fixes, but the current trend is still bearish, rebound21.5Emptiness is taking advantage of the situation.

 crude oilNext week's market analysis:

Technical analysis of crude oil: Crude oil experienced a downward trend yesterday, rebounded and closed higher, recovering from the previous day's decline and losing ground, while also reaching a high point and exiting a small cycleVType reversal, strong recovery104.10After the high point, the weak downward pattern was broken. Bounce highest touch106.40.Returning to the high range and sawing. Breaking through yesterday104.0Afterwards, perform one more backhand short shot to complete the bag placement in the pan, with frequent switching between local long and empty positions. Accompanied by a wide base saw, the daily high sun rises and swallows up the small yinKThe short-term and short-term fluctuations have returned to the range, and the continuity of the two yin and one yang is insufficient. It has not yet left the unilateral trend.4小时图一波低位连阳收复近半失地。下跌快收复也快,拉锯震荡的节奏。多空反转快,要关键临界点的得失。一旦失守强弱临界点,就会改变即定的节奏,日线布林道继续收口当中,短期还将维持宽幅区间内震荡。综合来看,原油下周短线操作思路建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注112.5-113.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below107.2-106.7Frontline support.

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