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Guide Metallographer:5.14今日晨间黄金反弹修正后,继续空,看1700

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  goldMarket trend analysis

Friday(5month13day),国际金价刷新2month7Since the low point of the day1810.07dollar/盎司,因美元指数徘徊在逾21年高位下方附近,抑制了非美元持有者对美元计价黄金的需求。北京时间15:22Spot gold rose0.18%to1824.35dollar/Ounces;COMEXThe main contract of futures funds fell0.08%to1823.2dollar/盎司;美元指数下跌0.09%to104.655。日线收盘一根中阳线,最高至1857.90dollar|盎司。日线结构双阴配合单阳反弹修正,从结构而言,目前仍处于向下趋势当中,虽有反弹,但目前还不足以判定是反转,可当作是震荡同时拉动均线指标拐头向下。美元伴随了短暂的回踩修正之后再收在高位,美元表现依旧强势。不过昨日的短暂回落,使得黄金走成了震荡,4The hourly chart slightly stabilized and rebounded at a low level, and yesterday's backdraft confirmed breaking through the low level1850Under pressure, stepped back, but failed to close below the low during the closing session, and instead closed at1850上方,收盘决定了隔日的强弱延续,收在低点之上,短线震荡。收在之下,隔日则继续延续弱势。目前4小时图由于走出二次下探回升。短线不排除进行反弹拉锯,再次下行要等回吐昨日的空间,破低之后才能进一步延续,所以综合分析操作上指南金师建议高空低多操作即可,上方关注1835-1840Resistance, pay attention below1790-1800Support.

  crude oil方面分析:

  原油昨日下探回升收高,收复前一日的下跌失地,同时创出高点,小周期走出VType reversal, strong recovery104.10After the high point, the weak downward pattern was broken. Bounce highest touch106.40.Returning to the high range and sawing. Breaking through yesterday104.0Afterwards, perform one more backhand short shot to complete the bag placement in the pan, with frequent switching between local long and empty positions. Accompanied by a wide base saw, the daily high sun rises and swallows up the small yinKThe short-term and short-term fluctuations have returned to the range, and the continuity of the two yin and one yang is insufficient. It has not yet left the unilateral trend.4小时图一波低位连阳收复近半失地。下跌快收复也快,拉锯震荡的节奏。多空反转快,要关键临界点的得失。一旦失守强弱临界点,就会改变即定的节奏。日线布林道继续收口当中。短期还将维持宽幅区间内震荡。

  综合分析操作上指南金师建议高空低多操作即可,上方关注109-110Resistance, pay attention below103-102Support.

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