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Yu Yue on Jin:5.14黄金原油下周全面操作指导,黄金价格分析

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  goldTrend analysis:

Gold under pressure this week1890延续跌势,并且出现单边下行走势,一度跌破1850大关,空头开始加速走低,连破1840—1835Key support to1830附近得以缓解跌势。隔日黄金依托1832支撑,反弹重回1860关口进行技术面修复。看似黄金有望筑底回升,可依然还是未能力挽狂澜,最终承压1860关口继续走低。最刺激的还是美盘午夜行情,受鲍威尔连任美联储主席消息刺激,黄金遭遇崩盘回落,再次刷新低点至1810关口,其跌势再次延续,尤为惊人!现在黄金跌破1830关键支撑区域,空头更加如虎添翼,并且日线大阴回落收尾。MA5—MA10均线还是死叉下行压制,布林带保持开口下行,灵动指标由超卖区向上修复运行;加之周线三连阴和月线冲高回落奠定了空头基础。局势上空头趋势一目了然,不过今日周五预期也不会再跌了,本周的跌幅也差不多到了尾声,周尾有望迎来空头获利回吐从而反弹回升。今日重点关注1780—2070Fibonacci0.886%of1813位置,可以在此以防守布局多单看反弹,现在4小时底部的锤子线还是给出了做多信号,上方关注1832附近压力。黄金策略:1800Long nearby, target1815-1825。具体操作实时给出。

Analysis of silver market trend:

Silver's recent highest impact26The checkpoint has significantly declined, and due to the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, the daily line has experienced ten consecutive negative declines, and has successfully opened up the downward trajectory space for Bollinger,MA5—MA10The moving average maintains a dead fork downward suppression,MACDIt is also a continuation of the green column's ability to measure. In terms of the monthly line, it also rose and fell, ending in a big negative trend, laying the foundation for the decline in May; At present, silver has fallen below21.5Front low position, refresh low point to20.5The position and bearish trend are clear at a glance. Today and Friday are expected to see a rebound and recovery for technical repair, after all, from a high double peak to the current20The gate has already fallen completely6It's already in the US dollar, and both the daily and weekly lines are in severe oversold areas. Personally, I think we can20.5Nearby layouts are mostly focused on technical rebound fixes, but the current trend is still bearish, rebound21.5Emptiness is taking advantage of the situation.

 【crude oilMarket Trend Analysis

  5month10During the Japanese Asian period, the US oil company is currently reporting102.93dollar/桶;油价周一大跌近7.5%,油价短线或维持偏空基调,日内关注EIA能源报告。技术面,原油昨日大跌,而早间偏偏原油走了续跌,黄金却没有。现在的原油来说。支撑位前期低点100附近。早间回撤,触及99.8-100.2可多,损98.5, look at the goal103Near.

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