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Original gold oil:5.13空头已到极限,多头蓄势待发,周五美盘预计...

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  你好,我是原金油!投资gold做单不带止损,多空胡乱操作,亏损就扛单,小有盈利就出局,这个是否是你如今最大的问题了。对于行情的不了解是你在市场上亏损最大的原因。很多人都说,老师,你给我一个策略我也不知道该如何操作啊,因为技术面的不成熟,对于很多东西的不了解,导致操作上会面临进出场胆怯的问题,关注了很多个老师,却还是做不好手上的单子,方向对了,不怕路远,没有不合理的目标,只有不合理的预期!方向确立了,点位进场了,那么目标的达成则取决于市场节奏运行的快慢!【原金油免费指导VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】

  剩下的就是交给时间,交给市场,用坚持获取最终的结果,这就是交易!做投资就是要懂得找到属于自己的千里马,才能带你驰骋这个市场,原金油一向实事求是,从不做模棱两可的指导,因为我需要对信任我的人负责,你的选择决定你的收益!想让资金成倍增长,团队就是你的首选。所以说,选择一个对的老师,一个有实力的老师是多么的重要了,因自己对于行情的不了解而连连亏损懊恼不已,不如来找原金油,这将会是你回本复利的开始。【原金油免费指导VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】

Analysis of the Latest Gold Market

Thursday(5month12day)亚市早盘,现货黄金维持升势。周三金价从200日均线附近展开反弹,一方面,美国通胀增速放缓,虽然不能改变美联储的加息进程,但美元的涨势放缓,逢低买盘入场给金价提供支撑;另一方面,美国股市大跌再创逾一年新低,俄乌局势有所恶化,给金价提供避险支撑。 金价下跌主要是受到美元强势的影响,黄金保值以及避险的能力并未受损,特别是在通胀高涨的时期,黄金将会持续受到青睐。整体来看,虽然美联储加息前景和强势美元对金价有所压制,欧洲央行的加息预期升温也对金价不利,但俄乌局势引发的地缘局势担忧升温,美一股大跌也给金价提供避险支撑,鉴于美元上涨动能减弱,短线回调的压力加大,短线金价存在进一步反弹机会或者是低位震荡调整的机会。本交易日重点关注美国4monthPPI数据和初请失业金人数变动,留意俄乌局势相关消息和新冠疫情相关消息。鉴于美元在近一周的时间内并未明显上涨,短线回调压力有所增加,投资者需要予以警惕。

  黄金技术面分析:黄金昨日下探回升收阳,亚盘惯性下探摔出新低,触及年线1832Supporting the start of stable consolidation, European and American stocks rebounded again with a second retracement and closed at a high level. The daily closing line was a bullish candlestick, reaching a maximum of1857.90dollar|Ounces. The daily structure of double negative combined with single positive rebound correction is still in a downward trend from a structural perspective. Although there has been a rebound, it is not yet sufficient to determine whether it is a reversal. It can be regarded as a shock while pulling the moving average index downward. The US dollar has briefly rebounded and corrected before closing at a high level, and its performance remains strong. However, yesterday's brief decline caused gold to fluctuate. There is slightly more room for rebound, and the market will close at a relatively high position at the end of the day. The next day, it will first fluctuate and correct.

  4The hourly chart slightly stabilized and rebounded at a low level, and yesterday's backdraft confirmed breaking through the low level1850Under pressure, stepped back, but failed to close below the low during the closing session, and instead closed at1850Above, the closing determines the continuation of the next day's strength, closing above the low point and experiencing short-term fluctuations. at present4小时图由于走出二次下探回升。短线不排除进行反弹拉锯,再次下行要等回吐昨日的空间,破低之后才能进一步延续,不然短线容易维持在低点上方进行修正。今日下方着重关注1840-1835一带测试,如果此位不破,则短线行情进一步反弹的希望更大,短线1小时方面,金价在1832受支撑后反弹,在突破平台位1840后,上涨动能开始爆发,本轮反弹仍未结束,上方还有较大空间!尤其是隔夜触及1857后进行的二次回踩1834的支撑效应,更加夯实了本轮多头持续反攻的动能,而四小时中轨已经在被破的边缘!综上所述,黄金操作思路上原金油建议反弹高空为主,回调低多为辅,上方重点关注1860-1865Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1815-1810Frontline support. [Original Gold Oil Free Guidance]VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】

  crude oilLatest Market Analysis

  油价周三大涨超6%,此前俄罗斯输往欧洲的天然气减少,且俄罗斯宣布制裁一些欧洲天然气企业,增加了全球能源市场的不确定性。分析师表示:“油价将继续上涨,特别是如果欧盟达成协议,在今年剩余时间内逐步停止购买俄罗斯石油的话”。市场分析师表示,“考虑到从战略石油储备向商业库存的大量转移,很难想象原油库存不会增加,市场将不得不适应如此大规模的转移。”此前俄罗斯输往欧洲的天然气减少,且俄罗斯宣布制裁一些欧洲天然气企业,增加了全球能源市场的不确定性。美国能源信息署(EIA)周三公布的数据显示,上周美国商业原油库存意外猛增850万桶,因战略石油储备创纪录释出,但汽油库存下降360万桶。馏分油库存也下降。总体来看,俄罗斯输往欧洲的天然气减少,且俄罗斯制裁多家外国能源公司,对供应担忧急剧上升,地缘局势将短线或继续助力油价走高,日内重点聚焦OPECMonthly reports andIEA月报,两大月报影响下,油价波动或较大。

From a technical perspective, crude oil rebounded and closed higher yesterday, recovering from the previous day's decline and losing ground. At the same time, it reached a high point and emerged in a small cycleVType reversal, strong recovery104.10After the high point, the weak downward pattern was broken. Bounce highest touch106.40.Returning to the high range and sawing. Accompanied by a wide base saw. The daily high sun rises and swallows up the small yinKThe short-term and short-term fluctuations have returned to the range, and the continuity of the two yin and one yang is insufficient. It has not yet left the unilateral trend.4小时图一波低位连阳收复近半失地。下跌快收复也快,拉锯震荡的节奏。多空反转快,要关键临界点的得失。一旦失守强弱临界点,就会改变即定的节奏。日线布林道继续收口当中。短期还将维持宽幅区间内震荡。既然是震荡。把握好区间高抛低吸。点位为前,趋势为后。综合来看,今日短线操作思路原金油建议以反弹高空为主,回调低多为辅,上方短期重点关注106-107Frontline resistance, short-term focus below100-101Frontline support. [Original Gold Oil Free Guidance]VX:MACD33388, buckle:244256354】

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