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Guide Metallographer:5.12黄金行分析,美元震荡走高,黄金反弹路艰难

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  goldTrend analysis

  短期操作方面、由于昨日两次探底1835附近企稳,美盘上破数据公布前开跌口1851一线,短期是形成一个反转,而凌晨持续围绕1850上方修正,节奏上偏强,昨日早盘和晚盘均出现探底不破低,经过连续震荡下跌,黄金大概率将迎来反抽调整,日内操作以低多为主,下方触及1847附近布局多。由于早间承压1859下跌,跌幅超过昨日凌晨低点,形态上一定不是极强,所以关键节点还是欧盘,如果欧盘破高,那么美盘回踩肯定要再多一次,如果一直坚持美盘前,黄金依然属于承压状态,就需要高位去布局空了。欧盘操作建议1845There are many nearby areas, causing damage1840, Objective1853-56

  crude oilTrend analysis

  原油昨日下探回升收高,收复前一日的下跌失地,同时创出高点,小周期走出VType reversal, strong recovery104.10After the high point, the weak downward pattern was broken. Bounce highest touch106.40.Returning to the high range and sawing. Breaking through yesterday104.0Afterwards, perform one more backhand short shot to complete the bag placement in the pan, with frequent switching between local long and empty positions. Accompanied by a wide base saw, the daily high sun rises and swallows up the small yinKThe short-term and short-term fluctuations have returned to the range, and the continuity of the two yin and one yang is insufficient. It has not yet left the unilateral trend.4小时图一波低位连阳收复近半失地。下跌快收复也快,拉锯震荡的节奏。多空反转快,要关键临界点的得失。一旦失守强弱临界点,就会改变即定的节奏。日线布林道继续收口当中。短期还将维持宽幅区间内震荡。所以综合分析操作上指南金师建议高空低多操作即可,上方关注106-107Resistance, pay attention below102-101Support.


本人解读世界经济要闻,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,技术总监指南金师在线解一套,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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