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Guo Shengshan:5.10今日反弹顺势高空,最新黄金原油走势分析

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  goldMarket trend analysis:

In response to the downward trend at the beginning of this week and the areas for attention in the intraday layout, first of all1850The first line is the low level in the early stage, followed by the initial point of the low rebound stage. Therefore, hitting the low level again in the short term has a certain degree of resistance to falling and support. The key is to see the rebound strength of the support level. If the rebound strength is weak, there is a high probability of breaking the level in the future market, and breaking the level can sustain a downward trend.

During the day, the first thing to focus on is the rebound strength of low-level support, followed by the continuation of the decline and the key point support for breaking through the downward trend. At the same time, there is a sustained downward trend, mainly focusing on the high-altitude layout of the bearish main bearish position. On the point selection, the high point of yesterday's rebound was the reference point above the day, and the intraday rebound was not too high. There is still a trend of weak continuation in the short term, so continue to be bearish. If the rebound breaks through the high, it will largely form a low level oscillation, so pay attention to the strength of the rebound in the short term.

The trend structure is more obvious, with short-term declines occupying the main advantage, and rebounds are mostly detected by the shadow line, without a substantial firm foothold. Therefore, in the short term, the main bearish view is to fall back, and if there is a reversal, there is a strong movement to make a change in thinking. While following the trend, it is not easy to catch up and participate, and the selection of intraday layout points is also relatively crucial. The entry point is the stage of stopping the decline and resisting the decline, or the stage of encountering obstacles in the upward rebound. Overall, during the day, pay attention to the rebound strength at the low level. While holding high in the main air, you can also participate in the rebound at the low level. At the same time, pay attention to the rebound from above1865/71Nearby under pressure!

Golden Operation Strategy:

Gold rebound1865Short selling, defense1872, Objective1855-1850, hold against the limit;

  crude oilLatest market analysis:

  油价昨日急挫逾6%,与股市一道大跌,亚洲大国持续实施疫情封控,加剧了人们对需求前景的担忧。全球金融市场一直因加息和经济衰退担忧感到紧张,亚洲大国收紧封控导致4月出口增长放缓。Lipow Oil AssociationCEOAndrew Lipow表示:“亚洲大国的疫情封控正对石油市场产生负面影响,油市与股市一起遭抛售。”美元创下近20年新高,这也使得油价对其他货币的持有者来说更加昂贵。此外全球最大石油出口国沙特调降了对亚洲和欧洲6月的原油官方售价。

  技术面看,原油昨日瀑布式下跌,日线报收大阴线,整体看来控油略占优势。1小时瀑布式下跌走势,鳄鱼指标张口向下,油价短期继续下跌的可能性比较大。操作上建议,原油可以在102.6Short on the front line, stop loss104.0, Objective101.0-98.8。

——This article is submitted by Guo Shengshan.

The above article was created by Guo Shengshan's teamgos1678Write my own interpretation of world economic news,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Guo Shengshan, Technical Director, provides an online solution,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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