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Guide Metallographer: 黄金多头无惧超预期非农,但整体走势依旧...

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If a ship doesn't know which port to sail to, then the wind in any direction will not be downwind. If the transaction cannot be executed as planned, any trend in the market will be fleeting. Orders are always done as one pleases, the market is always what one does not want, always wanting to control everything, but actually being in the game! In a big environment, one should know to be content with the situation, while in a small ordinary situation, one should know how to overcome difficulties. There is no once and for all leisure, nor is there any easy blessing, gradually realizing that living hard is the norm. If you want to get more, you must not be afraid of hard work, sink your heart, and go all out!

  goldLatest market analysis:

Analysis of Gold News: Last Friday(5month6day)美元连续第五周走高,持续时间为11月以来最长,投资者关注美联储在应对通胀上升的过程中加息力度可能有多大;美债收益率在就业报告公布后跃升,10Period and30年期收益率升至2018年以来最高。COMEXgoldfutures连续第三周下跌,这是自2021year12month3日以来最长连跌周数,强烈的通胀担忧刺激美债收益率大涨,这令金价承压。美油涨逾2%, Stand on110关口,欧盟即将对俄罗斯石油实施制裁,这可能导致供应趋紧,同时交易商摆脱了对全球经济增长的担忧。



  上周五非农数据加速行情上涨,盘中反复突破1890一线,价格最高上涨位置给到1892位置,小时线突破之后走快速回落的行情,有洗盘的走势和格局。价格收盘1880附近,今日参考支撑就是上周五非农冲高回落的支撑点位1874附近,价格短线不破会有不错的支撑效果,上涨发力突破1890位置,可以直接拉升到高位的压力1910位置一线。所以黄金周一操作思路上指南金师建议以反弹高空为主,回踩低多为辅,上方短期关注1895-1900Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1870-1865Frontline support.

  crude oil今日行情分析:

Analysis of crude oil news: Friday(5month6During the Asian period, the US oil company is currently reporting108.36dollar/Barrel; Oil prices rose nearly on Thursday1%Due to concerns about supply, the EU has previously formulated a plan to impose new sanctions on Russia, including an oil embargo. However, pressure from the strengthening of the US dollar and the decline in global stock markets has suppressed oil prices. Analysts say that“OPEC+Still believe that this is a problem caused by Western countries themselves and not a fundamental supply issue that the organization should address. Only Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have the ability to significantly increase oil supply, and if they do so, the resulting discord with Russia may collapseOPEC+ Market analysts indicate that:"The oil market has not fully digested the possibility of an EU oil embargo, so if the ban is passed, it is expected that crude oil prices will rise in the summer months."OPECFormed with allies such as RussiaOPEC+On Thursday, it agreed to slightly increase monthly oil production again, saying that the organization could not help Russia's supply, and that China's COVID-19 blockade threatened the demand outlook. Overall, the global stock market downturn has dragged down oil prices, but supply concerns still support oil prices. Oil prices will focus on non-agricultural data for the day, and it is currently expected to increase38.5Ten thousand non-agricultural employed population, alert to data release, fluctuations may be significant.

From a technical perspective, crude oil hit a high yesterday, fell back and leveled off. The high level saw saw an intensification of oscillations, leading to a new weekly high111.3. It was also the target of yesterday's bullish view, reaching the end of the day and then falling back to the intraday low under pressure during the late trading period106.40.The high and low points are concentrated in the US market during the period of market washing. The final harvest of the daily line is Xiaoyang with an upper shadow lineKLine. The physical space is not large, but the sawing range is large. The daily line is still closed near the Bollinger Road track and has not fully opened. Therefore, the current unilateral efforts are still insufficient.4After a single bearish decline in the hour, there was no continuous bearish trend and no way to form a trend of rising, falling, and turning down. In the late trading session, the double positive rebound still closed at a high level, and in some areas, the direction was still chosen in a volatile manner. Today, we still need to focus on the long short transition.

Currently, crude oil4The hour is temporarily running above the mid orbit. It is not ruled out to continue to detour repeatedly in high positions.1Earlier, the double bearish candlestick fell, accompanied by a small bullish rebound. It remains to be determined whether this rebound is a strong recovery or a confirmation of resistance and further pressure to fall. Further research is neededK线结构和形态收盘来确认,重点是看昨日的区间突破情况,破高延续,破低则走转换回落,不过在高位破高后会伴随反复的冲高回落,尽量不追高。反复的探高回落会加剧洗盘频率,并容易止涨见顶。综合来看,原油今日短线操作思路上指南金师建议以回调低多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注113.0-113.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below108.4-107.9Frontline support.

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