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  goldMarket trend analysis:


  从当前盘面来看,日图再次收上上影线较长的的阴线,从形态上来看,今天第一主观就是跌,因为上方抛盘压力太强,而客观来看也是如此,但是给不给你空的机会又是一说,为什么这么说,因为交易首先要考虑相对较安全的点位,而现在的亚盘跟以往的亚盘根本套路不一样,以往是早盘修正后按反方向走,而近期的亚盘是直接延续,所以这对老手来说在操作上难度加大,正常分析早盘修正至少是85-93一线,但是我们可以看到这个点基本在亚盘是看不到,所以看空你未必能做进去,而昨晚的下跌最后防守位在1878,也是在昨晚我们看到的最后一个买点,也是空头的最后目标,但是也被打破,哪也就是说明早盘会以这个点为压制进一步下行,其次就是1872The low point,

Operation suggestions:1878下空,破80出局,下看67-62-57,同时以1853为防守在1857上买入,目标1886-93,

  crude oilNext week's market trend analysis;

Friday(5month7day)本周美油价格势将收涨。诸多因素均支持油价上涨,其中,欧盟6个月内全面禁止俄罗斯石油进口,同时OPEC并未提高产量,推升了市场对供给的忧虑。此外,美联储加息50基点靴子落地,风险偏好回升也支持油价。诸多机构认为油价短期仍然会陷入震荡区间。美油、布油均涨超6%,此前欧盟提出对俄罗斯石油实施禁运的计划,这是欧盟迄今因乌克兰冲突而对俄实施的最严厉制裁方案的一部分。三位欧盟消息人士表示,欧盟正在微调其制裁计划,希望争取持保留态度国家的支持,以获得计划实施所需的27个成员国的一致同意。最初的提议要求欧盟在年底前停止进口俄罗斯原油和成品油。石油输出国组织(OPEC)Formed with allies such as RussiaOPEC+周四无视西方国家要求加快增产的呼声,同意将6月产量目标提高43.210000 barrels/日。不过,分析师预计,由于产能限制,该联盟的实际产量增幅将小得多。美国参议院一个委员会周四通过了一项议案,可能会使OPEC+因共谋推高原油价格而面临诉讼。投资者预计,随着华盛顿公布购买6,000万桶原油以补充紧急储备的计划,美国今秋的需求将会增加。不过,全球经济疲软的迹象加剧了需求担忧,限制油价涨幅。

From a technical perspective, crude oil hit a high yesterday, fell back and leveled off. The high level saw saw an intensification of oscillations, leading to a new weekly high111.3. It was also the target of yesterday's bullish view, reaching the end of the day and then falling back to the intraday low under pressure during the late trading period106.40.The high and low points are concentrated in the US market during the period of market washing. The final harvest of the daily line is Xiaoyang with an upper shadow lineKLine. The physical space is not large, but the sawing range is large. The daily line is still closed near the Bollinger Road track and has not fully opened. Therefore, the current unilateral efforts are still insufficient.4小时单阴下挫后没能连阴,没能形成冲高回落转跌的走法,尾盘双阳反弹仍收在高位,局部还是在震荡中选择方向,今日仍要重点留意多空转换。原油目前4The hour is temporarily running above the mid orbit. It is not ruled out to continue to detour repeatedly in high positions.1Earlier, the double bearish candlestick fell, accompanied by a small bullish rebound. It remains to be determined whether this rebound is a strong recovery or a confirmation of resistance and further pressure to fall. Further research is neededK线结构和形态收盘来确认,重点是看昨日的区间突破情况,破高延续,破低则走转换回落,不过在高位破高后会伴随反复的冲高回落,尽量不追高。反复的探高回落会加剧洗盘频率,并容易止涨见顶。综合来看,原油下周短线操作思路上建议上方短期重点关注113.0-113.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below108.0-107.5Frontline support.

——This article is contributed by Ding Sheng Jin Shi.

My Interpretation of World Economic News,Analyzing the Global Investment Trends,Has in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, etc,Technical Director Dingsheng Jinshi Online Solution Set,Loss recovery,One on one real-time guidance due to network push latency,The above content is personal suggestion,Due to the timeliness of online publications,For reference only,At one's own risk,Please indicate the source for reprinting.!

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