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Xiao Yizhou:3.9黄金走势如预期 二次探顶回落

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  gold反复上演疯狂过山车,基本上都是受消息面的指引大起大落,当然主节奏还是一路高飞,每次快速下跌都能迎来反弹回升并且进一步走高。隔日黄金亚欧盘继续承压2000大关走低,随后触及1980位置展开反弹回升,亮点就在美盘时段,多头最终还是突破2000大关开始加速上行,一夜暴涨70USD to2070高位,已经极限逼近2075这个疫情期间高位,此番涨势真是让人望而生畏。午夜触及2070高位再次出现快速回落,当前回踩2020位置后又反弹回升至2050高位收尾,看来多头还是不想跌啊,看涨情绪太高了。
  黄金策略:回撤2020Nearby, stop loss2010, Objective2035-2050
  crude oil4After the hour of retreat, it temporarily stabilized above the upper track of Bollinger Road, which was also above the previous low point of retreat, and the short term is still in an upward structure. from4Looking at the wave shaped band of the hour, although it repeatedly rises and falls, it has never missed the key support point. The first long support defense115.60.The low point of weekly installation, followed by106.0The low point position is the critical point for the upward movement of the steps. At present, these two positions have not been lost. Houtu and4The short-term trend remains bullish.1Houtu Bollinger Road begins to close. The local area also begins to shrink, which will increase the oscillation frequency. Short term tentative115.60上方回调低多,下破再调整思路,临界点不失守。不宜过早改变方向。同时高位震荡加剧,不要在破高后追多,以防冲高回落。在回调的过程中启稳择机多。支撑118.0-119.0
How to invest in gold correctly for beginners
  1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.
  2Starting with small-scale trading - For beginners in the market, it is necessary to start with small-scale trading, gradually grasp trading patterns and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.
  3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities, and bear heavier risks based on the opposite market trend and personal wishes.
  4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.
  5Better miss than make mistakes - opportunities are always present, and seizing them requires a pair of bright eyes rather than quietly waiting for an empty opportunity.
  6Develop investment plans that are suitable for oneself - life requires planning, investment requires planning, and investment is not an overnight process. Only by strictly executing can one profit from it. So how to become a profiteer in the gold investment market is crucial. How is your profit from investing so far?
  本人专注市场动态,解读世界经济要闻,对黄金、白银TD、纸黄金、沪银、股票、如果你做单不顺或投资经常资金缩水,那么你可以多关注本人投资是一个完整体系包括投资理念 ,资金管理 ,操作手法与思路,专业成就品质,实力铸就信誉。金融领域,博大精深,每天行情波折不断,我所能做的就是用我多年的研究经验,带领大家走在市场前端,给大家帮助。盘中策略及交流关注萧毅舟本人!

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