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Zhang Jukai1.20黄金晚间行情如何操作、黄金白银TD最新操

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 Dailygold,Silver,crude oilInvestment strategy: If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and easily tempted to take orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc98948 QQ:2317258291)

  面对金融市场,有人收获,有人却要收拾留下的残局,并非必然,也非偶尔,常有人自我安慰,得之我幸,失之我命,可从没有调侃说得之偶然,失之必然。与其捶足顿胸不如好好反思一下自己在市场上失利的原因,只有不断找出自身的不足才能够不断进步,没有人天生就是站在高峰上,俗话说“不经历风雨怎能见彩虹”,想成为一个成功的投资者也是一样的道理,反思不足,虚心学习,才能够不断进步。在投资市场没有永远的盈利也没有永远的亏损,市场对任何人都是公平的,而是看谁能够在这条投资路上走的更长远,只有沉浸其中才能看透这个现货投资市场的本质,犹豫不决和刚愎自用是投资心态最大的错误,也是导致亏损的主要原因。每日黄金,Silver, crude oil investment strategy. If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and prone to placing orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc98948 QQ:2317258291)
  Zhang Jukai1.20黄金晚间行情如何操作、黄金白银TD最新操809 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606600
  晚上,一个客户找到我跟我说:“张钜楷老师,我已经陷进来了,没有翻身的机会了”。通过简单的沟通了解到,他与大多数投资者做法不同的是,他是利用卡套现和借贷来投资,在市场混迹了三年,亏了三年,目前负债几十万,输的一无所有,用他的话来说“每天都是还债日”。而且我还发现了他与市场上大部分投资者类似的原因,最基本的判断趋势、及KLine, moving averageboll等简单的分析方法都不懂,带他的分析师给的建议无根无据,而且自己缺乏仓位管理与资金管理的经验。

I may be the biggest difference from other teachers. I have always believed that "teaching people to fish is better than teaching them to fish". I will not force clients to make orders, but will only analyze and suggest for you. The funds are in your hands, and I will tell you if I have orders, but you also have your own ideas. Whether or not to do orders depends on you. This way, your path will be wider and wider, and you will not be confused about the reasons for your losses. I also hope that one day you can leave me and still make money on your own, of course, by teaching some clients who want to learn how to analyze charts, data, market trends, and so on.

I teach clients who want to learn, but if I have time, after all, investing requires me to learn more on my own and not just rely on teachers to make money. This is already a process of investment and financial management! Don't always entrust your destiny to others. If you don't understand anything, it's like putting money into someone else's pocket for investment. Do you feel at ease?

Analysis of the trend of gold market;


  黄金技术面分析:黄金从日线上来看,隔夜行情破位1810下方,但是目前黄金随后拉升上涨,还是支撑强劲,短线行情保留一定的震荡预期,不过从其近期震荡状态来看,其上涨动能也还是有限的,很难形成反转级别的回升,如果震荡周期延长,则行情很有可能跌破均线带再度展开波段级别回修的预期,毕竟市场对于美联储加息预期是比较强的,这对于黄金的上涨无疑是未来中期的强劲*力量。预期日内黄金大概率会延续震荡,上方可关注1820附近短压,结构主压依然在1830附近,但如果短期内拉升致此,则行情很有可能异变走震荡回升趋势。下方继续关注1800争夺,若行情持续弱势运行,那么行情转弱势震荡回修的概率也将大幅增加。从4小时图来看,处于宽幅震荡;目前高位多空没有太强的延续,属于跨区间震荡,首先结构上是震荡,接下来就是确定震荡区间,盘中可以看到,小时线来看,目前走的是下行调整式的震荡,高点在不断下移,同时还有新低的动作,但是下探力度也不太强,下方守住1800一线继续看震荡,昨日低点1805一线,今日即使下跌,预计给到此区域附近构筑小时线双底支撑反弹;高位区域,上方空间就需要多单留意,周一我就分析过,周初会有回调,调整完成黄金将继续维持在1800-1830宽幅震荡,所以目前黄金还是一震荡小区间对待,综合来看:今日黄金操作上张钜楷建议还是以低多为主,上方关注1840-1845Pressure, following below1813-1818Frontline support;
  Zhang Jukai1.20黄金晚间行情如何操作、黄金白银TD最新操329 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606600Zhang Jukai1.20黄金晚间行情如何操作、黄金白银TD最新操404 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606600
Analysis of crude oil market trend:

Analysis of crude oil message surface:1month19日,国际油价连续第四天上涨,创逾七年新高,因为俄罗斯和阿联酋地缘政治问题加剧了本已十分紧张的供需形势,尽管从伊拉克到土耳其的输油管道有望恢复正常运行,油价缩窄了涨幅。土耳其国有管道运营商表示,从基尔库克(Kirkuk)到杰伊汉(Ceyhan)的管道系统发生爆炸,一度导致石油输送中断。但土耳其方面表示,该管道有望很快恢复正常。该将原油从石油输出国组织(OPEC)第二大产油国伊拉克输往土耳其杰伊汉港(Ceyhan)用于出口。但市场普遍预测,2022年石油供应紧张,部分原因是在高传染性奥密克戎变种疫情肆虐的情况下,需求情况仍然比预期好得多,澳洲联邦银行大宗商品分析师Vivek Dhar在一份报告中说,随着国际航班的增加,航煤消费正在上升,而陆路交通比去年同期高得多。“OPEC+的供应限制和全球石油需求持续增长可能会使油价在未来几个月得到良好的支撑。”OPEC的官员曾经表示,由于需求回升和OPEC+增产能力有限,原油价格的涨势可能在未来几个月进一步扩大,甚至可能突破每桶95USD.

  原油技术面分析:原油昨日可谓是强势,在经历了周一回调修整之后,昨日一举上攻,突破了去年10月底的高点,纵观原油近期走势来看,自去年12月份探底回升之后,基本上一路踩着上行通道震荡上行,每次回调都是一个回踩确认的过程。日线级别,布林带持续开口,价格沿着上轨附近震荡上行,走势明朗,回调做多即可,本周之内有望冲击90美元。从4From an hourly perspective,4小时图贴着短期均线放量形成单边上涨态势。反复创出新高且收在高位。伴随着边整理边上涨走高,回撤空间相对有限,属于较强势的延续上涨。考虑到短线结构还是强势。且日线收高,短线还会延续走高。今日短线先行看短多惯性创新高后及时落袋。昨日低点是今日临界点,也是在中轨处的防守。综合来看:今日原油操作思路上张钜楷建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注87.5-88.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below84.5-84.0Frontline support.


I once taught someone how to operate, but later failed. Perhaps I had some responsibility, but I gave up teaching anyone again. He used to be a loser, and at that time he thought I was pretty good, so he learned from me. He made many typical mistakes, and trading often had a day without a day. I told him a lot of my valuable experience, many things I should know when trading, and many mistakes I had made before; But later on, I realized that none of these were useful, and he had become accustomed to missing out on opportunities. Just because he didn't want to enter the market and bear the pressure, he saw the opportunity clearly. I even yelled at him to place an order, but he didn't dare and told me that he had already placed an order. Even though he knew it was an excellent opportunity to enter, he was afraid of unexpected situations. What should he do if he entered the market and went against the trend? He was afraid that this would result in losses. The market doesn't care about his ideas. The more afraid he is in this market, the worse he becomes. So where is the problem? He is not a blank sheet of paper, he has too many subjective ideas that are deeply rooted and cannot listen to anyone's opinions. Unfortunately, those ideas are often wrong in the market. What we need to do is to control the market, not be controlled by the market.


  投资市场,是风险与收益的博弈,投资者不要仅看到收益,而忽视掉风险;实质上,成功的交易者,更应注重的是风险,钱是赚不完的,而本金确是有限的,所以只有在保证有限的本金为前提,才能去赚钱利润,收益于风险是并存的,可以说投资的成功取决于对风险的控制上面,风险控制的越小,成功的几率也就越大!每日黄金,Silver, crude oil investment strategy. If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and prone to placing orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc98948 QQ:2317258291)

Daily Gold,Silver, crude oil investment strategy. If you are confused, unable to grasp the market trend, and prone to placing orders, the accuracy rate is high99%(Add Zhang Jukai's personal guidance on WeChat):jc98948 QQ:2317258291)
Zhang Jukai1.20黄金晚间行情如何操作、黄金白银TD最新操613 / author:Li Jucai / PostsID:1606600

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